當我們對於「死亡」以及「死後生命是如何在運作」 的了解越多,我們對於死亡的恐懼自然會越少。當我們陸續了解它的發生過程,解開對於死亡的各種謎,必然也會幫助我們解開人生中與生命的各大哉問。
「死亡的時間和情境永遠是完美的」,也就是說:沒有人會在死去時還未能體驗所有他來物質世界要體驗的一切 。
Which means that "the timing and the circumstances of death are always perfect." Which means that no one dies having failed to experience all that they came to the physical world to experience.
The process of what you call "death" is not complete until the soul "passes over" to "the other side."
And so, no one "dies" to the old until they "cross over" this threshold. To put this another way, your death is not final until you say it is final.
If you indicate, at the moment of the Holy Inquiry, that you do not feel complete, and wish to return to the physical life from which you have just emerged, you may do so, and you will do so instantly.