
不用。言詞是心智的產物(Words are creations of the mind.)。當你從意識心智(conscious mind)移向超意識覺知(superconscious awareness)時,你會發現沒有言詞能夠起作用。
大師不會強求如此,大師僅僅感覺這感受(feel the feeling),允許這感受(allow the feeling),充分體驗這感受(experience the feeling fully)。然後大師會決定是否有必要將這感受用語言表達出來。
感受是你的最先意念(first thought),純粹的思維。感受是無言的思維。它什麼也無需「說」就能充分傳達,感受是靈魂的語言(Feelings are the language of the soul.)。
言詞是你的第二意念(second thought),是你企圖概念化你的感受,以你把它們轉譯成可聽得見的語言的方式。言詞是心智的語言。大師有了感受之後,通常不再思考它,這避免了所有人生的複雜化,讓他的道路不那麼艱難。
行動是你的第三意念(third thought),通常是一種事後的思維(afterthought)。它們是你企圖物質化你已經概念化了的東西。行動是身體的語言。
當你把感受轉換成言詞(put feelings into words),再由言詞轉換成行動(words into actions),你可能在轉換的過程中丟失了許多東西。(即:從靈魂的欲望(desire)轉換到身體的行動,常失去許多東西。)

And thought is a very powerful tool because it is used at all three levels.
Neale: What about words. Aren't words used at the superconscious level? Isn't that how the super conscious communicates with us.
No. Words are creations of the mind. When you move from the conscious mind to superconscious awareness, you will find that there are no words for it.
If you move to this level of awareness in meditation, during sacred dance or ritual, or by some other means, you will find in that place that there are only feelings (or vibrations).
When most people feel something, they will immediately explore that feeling with their conscious mind and try to "put it into words." This may or may not be useful.
The master does not impulsively do this. The master simply feels the feeling, allows the feeling, and experiences the feeling fully. Then the master decides whether there will be any benefit in trying to put that feeling into words.
Feeling are your first thought, your pure thought. A feeling is a wordless thought. It conveys a great deal without "saying" anything. Feelings are the language of the soul.
Words are your second thought. They are your attempt to conceptualize your feelings by translating them into audible utterances. Words are the language of the mind. Masters have a feeling and often don't give it a second thought. This avoids all manner of life complications. It makes the path less arduous.
Actions are your third thought, and are often an afterthought. They are your attempt to physicalize what you have conceptualized. Actions are the language of the body.
By the time you put feelings into words and words into action, you may have lost a lot in the translations. The master knows this, which is why the master is very careful and moves with great deliberation from one level of experience to another--if he moves to another level at all.