當然是的。只要向外探究(outward reaching)不要轉變成向外放置(outward placing)的話。
永遠記住:你的神聖源頭就位於一個地方───只在一個地方:在你之內(Your Holy Source lies in one place, and one place only: within You)。

Neale: Is it not a "legitimate" process or practice to reach outward to see what others are experiencing, and what they have to say of their experience?
Of course it is. As long as outward reaching does not turn into outward placing.
Neale: Help me with that.
If you reach outward to collect what your world has to offer as you search for your inner truth about God and about Life, you will receive the information that you seek. It will practically fall into your lap. As I suspect this very book did.
If, on the other hand, you place outside of yourself all authority in these matters, you will turn what you find outside of yourself into what can only be found inside of yourself—your Holy Source.
Remember this always. Your Holy Source lies in one place, and one place only: within You.
Yet there are some wonderful helpers in our outside world—"angels," you would call them—who, if I understand the cosmology of this New Spirituality correctly, have come to us to assist us in our inward seeking by sharing the fruits of their own search.