
瀏覽人數 6171
以「你已經是那樣」地去行動,你就會把它吸引過來。(Act as if you are, and you will draw it to you.)
凡是你以行動去做出「你已經是那樣」的,你就會變成那樣。(What you act as if you are, you become.)
尼爾:換句話說,是「故意假裝你是那樣,直到你變成那樣」(“Fake it until you make it.”)?
你們的每一個行動作為都必須出自真誠(do out of sincerity),不然就會失去那行動的效益。
當然,你也可以不用你的心智來創造(create without your mind)——那只是更困難多了而已。你可以要求你的身體去做某件你的心智所不相信的事,而如果你的身體去做它的時期夠長,你的心智就會開始放掉它對此事的原先想法,而產生一種「新的想法」。一旦你對某一事物有了「新的想法」,你就在你生命中對此事物踏上「創造出一個你的固有面向」的道路了,而不再只是你硬表現出來的。
藉由拿掉個人私利的自私元素。(By taking out the selfish element of personal gain.)
心智可能無法真誠地同意你身體的作為可以帶給你那「你所選擇的」東西,但心智似乎十分清楚,神會藉由你把好的事物帶給別人(the mind seems very clear that God will bring good things through you to another)
因此,不論你為自己選擇什麼,那「你為自己所選擇的給與別人(whatever you choose for yourself, give to another)
如果你選擇成為(choose to be)快樂,讓別人成為(cause another to be)快樂。
如果你選擇生活中有(choose to have)更多的愛,讓別人生活中有(cause another to have)更多的愛。
要真心真意地這樣做——不是因為你尋求個人私利,而是因為你真的要別人成為或擁有那樣——於是你所給出去的一切,都會來到你身上(all the things you give away will come to you)
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章
Neale: But how can you "be" happy to begin with, or "be" anything you are seeking to be—more prosperous, for instance, or more loved—if you are not having what you think you need in order to "be" that?
Act as if you are, and you will draw it to you. What you act as if you are, you become.
Neale: In other words, "Fake it until you make it."
Something like that, yes. Only you can't really be "faking." Your actions have to be sincere.
Everything you do, do out of sincerity, or the benefit of the action is lost.
This is not because I won't "reward you." God does not "reward" and "punish," as you know. But Natural Law requires the body, mind, and spirit to be united in thought, word, and action for the process of creation to work.
You cannot fool your mind. If you are insincere, your mind knows it, and that's that. You've just ended any chance that your mind can help you in the creative process.
You can, of course, create without your mind—it's just a great deal more difficult.  You can ask your body to do something your mind doesn't believe, and if your body does it long enough, your mind will begin to let go of its former thought about that, and create a New Thought. Once you have a New Thought about a thing, you're well on your way to creating it as a permanent aspect of your being, rather than something you're just acting out.
This is doing things the hard way, and even in such instances, the action must be sincere. Unlike what you can do with people, you cannot manipulate the universe.
So here we have a very delicate balance. The body does something in which the mind does not believe, yet the mind must add the ingredient of sincerity to the body's action for it to work.
Neale: How can the mind add sincerity when it does not "believe in" what the body is doing?
By taking out the selfish element of personal gain.
Neale: How?
The mind may not be able to sincerely agree that the actions of the body can bring you that which you choose, but the mind seems very clear that God will bring good things through you to another.
Therefore, whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
Neale: Would You say that again, please?
Of course.
Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy.
If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper.
If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have more love in theirs.
Do this sincerely—not because you seek personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have that—and all the things you give away will come to you.


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