愛是無條件的。在神的國度裡,沒有哪一個人或物是比較優越的。沒有等級或階級制度,沒有哪些人比其他人得到更多的愛。愛是一個全面和徹底的經驗。只愛一點點或愛很多是不可能的。愛是無法量化的。一個人可以以不同的方式去愛,但無法以不同的程度去愛。(One can love in different ways but not to different degrees.)
愛是無法量化的。(Love is not quantifiable.)
愛只是在場或不在 (It is neither present or it is not),而在神的王國裡,愛是永遠都在的。那是因為神並非愛的分配者,神即是愛。

現在,我說你們和我是合一的,而事實就是如此。你們 是以我的形象和模樣所造的。所以,你們也是愛。一言以蔽之,那正是「你們真正是誰」。你們不是接受愛的人,你們是「你們在尋求要獲得愛」的那個給予者。這是個重大的秘密,明白了這秘密,可改變人們的一生。
Love is unconditional. Because love is unconditional, there is no one and no thing that is superior in God's kingdom. There are no rankings, or hierarchies, there are not some who are loved more than others. Love is an experience total and complete. It is not possible to love a little, or to love a lot. Love is not quantifiable. One can love in different ways but not to different degrees.
Always remember that.
Love is not quantifiable.
It is either present or it is not, and in God's kingdom love is always present. That is because God is not thedispenser oflove, GodIsLove.
Now I have said that you and I are One, and that is what is so. You are made in My image and likeness. Therefore, you, too, are love. In a word, that is Who You Really Are. You are not the receiver of love, you are that which you would seek to receive. This is a great secret, and knowing this secret changes people's lives.
People spend whole lifetimes seeking that which they already have. They have it, because they are it.
All you have to do to have love is to be love.
You are My beloved. Each of you. All of you. None of you is more lovable than another, because none of you is more of Me than another—although some of you remember more of Me, and, therefore, more of yourself.