【「超覺意識」是「純粹本體(Pure Being)」層面的意識 】
你們都能達到這個境界。有的人通過冥想,有的人通過深層的禱告,有的人通過儀式、舞蹈、神聖的典禮——還有人通過你們稱做「死亡」的過程。有許多方式可以達到。當你處於這種狀態,你具有全然的創造力。所有三個意識層次合而為一。你「全盤歸一」(“have it all together”)了。但事實上不只如此,因為在這裡,就像所有的事物一樣,整體大於各部分之總合。
超覺意識並不只是超意識、意識和潛意識的一個混合體。它是當所有的都合在一起,然後揚昇時所發生的事。你那時進入了純粹的「本體」(You then move into pure Beingness.)。這本體是你內在的終極創造之源(Ultimate Source of Creation within you)。你可以在你「死」前或「死」後體驗到這一點。
尼爾:那麼一個大師都不會受到出其不意的驚訝(be surprised)嗎?
對一個一直具有「提升了的意識」的人,結果總是在他有清楚意識之意圖的範圍內,而從來不是非預期的。一個經驗顯得是「非預期」 的程度,直接反映了它是在哪一個意識層次的感知經驗。記得我說的,視角決定感知、感知創造經驗。

所有影響人類靈魂的決定都是由該靈魂在三個意識層次(潛意識/意識/超意識)中的一個或多個層次所做的,或是在第四個層次 ——超覺意識的層次做的。
And there is. This three-in-one level of consciousness is called the supraconscious. Some of you also call it "Christ Consciousness," or "Elevated Consciousness."
You can all go to this place. Some people do it in meditation, others in deep prayer, others through ritual or dance or through sacred ceremony--and others through the process that you call "death." There are many ways to get there. When you are in this place, you are fully creative. All three levels of consciousness have become one. You are said to "have it all together." But it is really more than that, because in this, as in all things, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Supraconsciousness is not simply a combining of the subconscious, the conscious, and the superconscious. It is what happens when all are combined and then transcended.
You then move into pure Beingness. This Beingness is the Ultimate Source of Creation within you. You may experience this before your "death" or after it.
Neale: I assume this is how a living master creates.
Neale: Then can a master ever be surprised?
For a person of continually elevated consciousness, outcomes and results are always consciously intended and never unanticipated. The degree to which an experience appears unanticipated is a direct indication of the level of consciousness at which that experience is being perceived. Remember that I said, perception creates experience.
The student of mastery is one who always agrees with the experience she is having, even if that experience does not "appear" favorable, because the student of mastery knows that she must have intended it at some level. That "knowing" is what makes it possible for one person to be utterly peaceful and "together" during circumstances that another would find very stressful.
What the student of mastery may not always see is the level of consciousness at which the experience was intended. Yet the student of mastery has no doubt that at some level he is responsible for it. It is precisely this knowledge that places him on the road to mastery.
Earlier you asked if Pip wanted to die, if she caused it, and I replied: "Not on a conscious level." Now you know what I meant by that statement.
All decisions affecting the human soul are made by that soul at one or more of the three levels of consciousness, or at the fourth level, the supraconscious level.