Do not imagine that spirituality and politics do not mix. Politics is spirituality, demonstrated.
Do not imagine that economics has nothing to do with spirituality. Your economy reveals your spirituality.
Do not think that education and spirituality can, or should, be separate. For what you teach is who you are—and if that is not spirituality, then what is?
And do not imagine that religion and spirituality are not one and the same. Spirituality is that which builds a bridge between the body, the mind, and the soul. All true religions build a bridge, not a wall.
So be the builder of bridges. Close the gaps that have formed between religions, between cultures, between races, and between nations, join together what has been put asunder.
Honor your home in the Universe, and be its good steward. Protect your environment and save it. Renew your resources and share them.
Give glory to your God by giving glory to each other. See God in everyone and help everyone see God in themselves. End your divisions and your rivalries, your competitions and your battles, your wars and all your killing forever. End it. Put an end to it. All civilized societies finally do.