要明白你是你自己的最高權威(you are your own highest authority)。
不是去追尋的一套「信念」,去尋求你內心知曉的一種「覺知」(Seek not a set of beliefs, seek an awareness of what you know.)。然後採用那你所找到「能夠讓你回到那覺知」的不論是什麼。瞭解你是活在一個幻覺(illusion)裡,它們全都不是真實的。然而,那幻覺仍會向你指出什麼是真的,並讓你能夠去經驗它。
Know that you are your own highest authority.
Do not place your source of authority outside of you. But, rather, go within to see if the truth you've found is in harmony with the truth you find in your heart.
Seek not a set of beliefs, seek an awareness of what you know. Use whatever you find that returns you to that awareness. Understand that you are living an illusion, and that none of it is real. Yet the Illusion points to what is real and can give you an experience of it.
How can you see the Illusion as an illusion when it appears to be so real? And how is it that it seems so real if it is an Illusion?
The second question will be answered first.
The Illusion seems so real because so many people believe that it is not an illusion.