為何【思考是最緩慢的創造】工具?- 1/2篇

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為何【思考是最緩慢的創造】工具?- 1/2篇
當你思考時,你並沒有創造「一切」。你是進入那「一切」中,去創造在那「一切」中你所選擇創造的那一部分的經驗(You reach into The All to create whatever experience of The All that you choose.)
它的全部都已經在那裡了。你並沒有藉由思考到它而將它放在那裡。然而,藉著思考它,你只是把一切 (The All)中「你正在思考的那個部分」,放到你的經驗裡。 (By thinking about it, you are placing in your experience that part of the All about which you are thinking.)
你的「真實生命存在」是所有一切 (All of It),是每樣東西,是一切的一切。起點與終點,開始與結束,一。 (Your True Being is All of It. It is Everything. It is the All-in-All. The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the Oneness.) 換言之,是神。
你的「真實生命存在」是先於每樣東西的,那即「你真正的誰」。當你在思考你現在希望是誰時,你是進入你的「真實生命存在」,搆到了你「完整的自己」 (Total Self),而聚焦在你現在希望去經驗之你「完整的自己」的一部分上。 (When you think about who you now wish to be, you are reaching into your True Being, into your Total Self, and focusing on a part of your Total Self that you now wish to experience.)
所以,「思考」會影響「being」嗎?,以最大的說法是不會。你是你之所是,不論你怎麼想它。(Not in the largest sense. You are What You Are, no matter what you think about it.)
When you think, you do not create The All. You reach into The All to create whatever experience of The All that you choose.
All of It is already there. You are not placing it there by thinking about it. Yet by thinking about it, you are placing in your experience that part oft he All about which you are thinking.
Did you follow that?
Neale: I think I did. Go slowly. Go very slowly. I'm trying to keep up.
Your True Being, which is Who You Really Are, pre­cedes everything. When you think about who you wish to now be, you are reaching into your True Being, into your Total Self, and focusing on a part of your Total Self that you now wish to experience.
Your total Self is All of It. It is the happiness and the sadness.
Yes, yes! You have said this before! You have said of me, You are the up and the down of it, the left and the right of it, the here and the there of it, the before and the after of it. You are the fast and the slow, the big and the small, the male and the female, and what you call the good and the bad. You are all of it, and there is none of it that you are not.
I have heard You say that to me before!
You are right. I have. Many times have I said this to you. And now you understand it better than you ever have before.
And so, does "thinking" affect "being"? No. Not in the largest sense. You are What You Are, no matter what you think about it.
Yet can thinking create an immediately different expe­rience of your being? Yes. What you think about, what you focus on, will be made manifest in your individual present reality. Thus, if you are being sad, and you think positive, joyful thoughts, you will very easily "think your way" to being happy.
You are simply moving from one part of your Self to an­other!
Yet there is a "shortcut"—and this is what we have been trying to get at here. This is what we've been talking about.
You can move to any state of being you wish—that is, you can call forth any part of your True Being—at any mo­ment, instantly, by simply knowing it to be so, and declar­ing it to be so.


Being(存在) 即是,思維則做。 (Beingness is, thought does.)Being並非一個行動(action),它不是一種任務承擔(undertaking),它不是什麼發生的事。毋寧說它是「它所是」的東西... 更多
Being是存在的最高狀態。它是最純淨的本質。它 是神的「現在 —— 非現在」、「一切 ——非一切」、「永遠—— 從不」的面相。 純淨的being 就是純淨地處於神。然而,... 更多
當我們還沒有being... 更多
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