
瀏覽人數 460

我們在談的只不過是「相同能量的不同表達 」。

當你瞭解這點,當你能領悟到:你每個片刻都在「享有性 (S.E.X.都在進行協同增效能量交換) 」,那麽你會對於你正在發出及收到的能量變得更有覺察。

你開始從容且有意圖地以某種特定的方式,創造你所散發的能量。在你持續地這樣做了一段時日後,人們會說你具有「魅力」( ”charisma”)


它是用這麼簡單的一項器具做到的。這器具叫「心情」( "mood”)


由於心情的魔法(the Magic of Mood)是個大多數人並不瞭解的東西,你現在就有機會瞭解它,那能改變你整個生命。


相信我,這與你們談論的那「協同增效能量交換」是息息相關的。在任何一種 S.E.X.(協同增效能量交換)裡,心情就是一切。






突然之間,關於你如何經驗你的人生,你是站在事情的起因處。你不再處於生活中各事情的「結果」端( ”at the effect”),而是站在「起因」端( ”at cause”)


We are simply talking about different expressions of the same energy.
When you understand this, when you realize that you are "having sex" in every single moment, then you become much more aware of both the energy you are sending out and the energy that you are receiving. 
You begin to create your Sending Energy deliberately, in a particular way. After you do this consistently for a while you are said to have "charisma." 

Neale: So just exactly how do I do this?

It is done with such a simple instrument, such a simple tool. The tool is called "mood."
The mood you are in is the mood you bring into a room and can easily affect the mood in that room. Thus, you can be said to be recreating it anew. Everything changes because you walked in.
Now the Magic of Mood is something that most people do not understand. You have an opportunity right now to come to an understanding of it that can change your whole life. 

Neale: Will it improve my romantic life? That's what I'm talking about here! 

Believe me, this has everything to do with the kind of synergistic energy exchange you are talking about. In any kind of S-E-X, mood is everything.
Now the Magic of Mood is that it can be cre- ative, and does not have to be reactive.
Most people think that mood is their reac- tion to something outside of themselves— something that exists or has occurred. This, they say, has put them in a certain mood, or even "ruined their mood."
Those who know the Magic of Mood understand, however, that mood need not be only a "reaction," it can be a "creation." That is, you can decide ahead of time what mood you want to be in, before you have any idea of what conditions exist or what events are going to occur in a particular time and place.
By choosing your mood ahead of the moment rather than after it, you impact the moment in an incredible way. You begin to create the conditions that exist and the events that occur.
Your mood changes the moment, rather than the moment changing your mood. Your mood changes people, rather than people changing your mood.
Suddenly, with regard to how you are experi- encing your life, you are at cause in the matter. You are no longer "at the effect" of life, but "at cause." 
This simple switch can alter every waking moment.  

