
瀏覽人數 188
Your belief in Insufficiency has even led you to conclude that there is not enough God.
Not only is there not enough Life (which you translate into a belief in death), and not only is there not enough of the stuff of Life (which you translate into a belief in lack), there is not  even enough of That Which Created Life (which you translate into a belief in a limited God).
Because all of these things are limited, you must compete for them. And you are destroying your planet and yourselves because of this belief.
You are even destroying yourselves in your competitions for God, which you call religions. You have been killing yourselves, sometimes seeking to annihilate entire civilizations, in your insane competition for God.
You do not admit that you are doing these things, because to admit it would be to acknowledge that there may be something inaccurate about the way you view life and the world— and particularly about the way you view God—and this you have not been able to do. Such an admission would require enormous humility, and humility is not presently a large  part of your planet's philosophy or theology.
Your theologies, in particular, have been most arrogant, assuming and proclaiming to have  all the answers—leaving no questions and entertaining no doubts.
Yet something about these beliefs is not working. The idea that there is not enough—not enough God, not enough of the stuff of Life, not enough Life Itself—has led to more than simple competition. It has led to brutal repression, to suppression, and to massive depression. Religions have repressed frank and honest inquiry, governments have suppressed dissent, and millions of people live, as a result, in both economic and psychological depression. All of this has come out of the idea that Insufficiency Exists—for sufficiency would solve all of this.
If you thought that there was enough to go around, there would be no more self-destructive behaviors, no more fighting over resources, no more squabbling over God.

