【『關於生命的五大謬誤信念』(Five Fallacies About Life)】:

瀏覽人數 298
【『關於生命的五大謬誤信念』(Five Fallacies About Life)】:
1. 人與人彼此是分離的。(Human beings are separate from each other.)
2. 沒有足够的資源足以滿足人類快樂的需求。(There is not enough of what human beings need to be happy.)
3. 爲了獲取不足的資源,人與人之間必須相互競爭。(To get the stuff of which there is not enough, human beings must compete with each other.)
4. 有些人比其他人要來得優秀。(Some human beings are better than other human beings.)
5. 人們藉由殺戮來解決信仰所造成的重大歧見,是理所當然的。(It is appropriate for human beings to resolve severe differences created by all the other fallacies by killing each other.)

