尼爾:就像電影《上錯天堂投錯胎》(heaven can wait)裡演的。
After merging with the Essence, the soul understands many things. It understands that there is no such thing as judgment and condemnation. It understands that nothing negative can possibly occur in the Afterlife. It understands Who and What the soul is. It understands the purpose of Life and the Process of Life. It understands fully and completely the nature of Ultimate Reality. And it understands that the Afterlife will always be there, waiting, waiting, through all eternity.
Neale: Or as someone put it in the title of a movie once, heaven can wait.
Exactly. After merging with the Essence, the soul understands, essentially, all that I have been telling you here. But now it understands these things experientially, not intellectually.