「熱忱」是一種愛的作為(熱忱是一種「出自於愛並處於愛的行動作為」Passion is the love of turning being into action.)。 行動作為是 being 的表達。
(Passion is a love of doing. Doing is being, expressed.)
Being是存在的最高狀態(Beingness is the highest state of existence.)。它是最純淨的本質(It is the purest essence.)。它是神的「現在——非現在」、「一切——非一切」、 「永遠——從不」的面相。
純淨的being就是「純淨處於神性」的狀態(Pure being is pure God–ing)。
讓我們這麼說,在你自己美妙的內在核心(core of your wonderful Self),你是那稱為「愛」之神性的面相(附帶說一句,這是你的真相)。

摘自《與神對話 I 》第5章

Neale: Could you explain what You mean by the statement, "Passion is the love of turning being into action"?
Passion is a love of doing. Doing is being, experienced.
Beingness is the highest state of existence. It is the purest essence. It is the "now-not now," the "all-not all," the "always-never" aspect of God.
Pure being is pure God-ing.
Yet it has never been enough for us to simply be. We have always yearned to experience What We Are—and that requires a whole other aspect of divinity, called doing.
Let us say that you are, at the core of your wonderful Self, that aspect of divinity called love. (This is, by the way, the Truth of you.) Now it is one thing to be love—and quite another thing to do something loving. The soul longs to do something about what it is, in order that it might know itself in its own experience. So it will seek to realize its highest idea through action.
This urge to do this is called passion.
Kill passion and you kill God. Passion is God wanting to say "hi."