It is from this state of confusion that you have wished to remove yourself. That is the purpose of this dialogue, and of your having come here. That is true for everyone who is reading this. For the moment is at hand when all the world calls upon all the people to look at all things in a new way.
Neale: Yet how do we do that?
See the truth. Admit the truth. Do not be self-righteous. Notice that what you are doing is evolving, adapting, and of course you are "changing the rules" as you go along. Not to do so would be silly. You can't live today's life by yesterday's rules.
You couldn't even live yesterday's life by yesterday's rules.
If what you choose is to live in peace and harmony, then what the world needs now is a new set of rules.
That is the point I am making here. It is the point of this entire dialogue.
Functionality has all but disappeared from the human life experience. Your species cannot go on as it has been going much longer. You are going to have to express the Basic Life Principle of Adaptability very soon now if you want Life to sustain itself in its present form.