每個地方的所有生命都想要體驗樂趣 (all beings everywhere seek to experience pleasures)。
越是進化的社會或生命,其樂趣也就越提升。 你們視之為「樂趣」的事物,正是你們演化層次的宣告。
(What you call “pleasure ” is what declares your level of evolution.)
摘自《與神對話 III 》第8章
Of course, all beings everywhere seek to experience pleasures. There is nothing primitive in that. In fact, it is the natural order of things.
What differentiates societies, and beings within societies, is what they define as pleasurable. If a society is structured largely around pleasures of the body, it is operating at a different level from a society structured around pleasures of the soul.
And understand, too, that this does not mean that your Puritans were right, and that all pleasures of the body should be denied. It means that in elevated socie ties, pleasures of the physical body do not make up the largest number of pleasures which are enjoyed. They are not the prime focus.
The more elevated a society or being, the more elevated are its pleasures.
What you call "pleasure" is what declares your level of evolution.