
瀏覽人數 458
不再追求感情、關注、性的滿足和情感上的安全,你反而發現自己是其源頭。的確,你曾「想要」的每樣東西,現在你都在「給予」別人。最奇妙的是:你給出什麼,你便收到什麼(as you give, so do you receive)。突然間,你有了更多你所給予出去的東西。
只有一個:「我們」。(There is only one of us.)
Once you understand that there is always more Life, you will learn to use the illusion that there is not enough Life in a way that serves you. This will allow the illusion to assist you, rather than hinder you, as you walk your path and make your way back home.
You can relax, because you know that you have more time, even though the illusion is that your time is running out. You can create with enormous efficiency, because you know that you have more Life, Even though the illusion is that your life is ending. You can find peace and joy, even though the illusion is that there is not enough of whatever it is that you think  you need in your fife, because you know now that there is enough. There is enough time, there is enough Life, and there is enough of the stuff of life to allow you to live in happiness forever.
When you allow yourself to experience that there is enough of what you once thought there was not enough of, extraordinary changes occur in the way you live your life.
When you know that there is enough, you stop competing with others. You stop competing  for love, or money, or sex, or power, or whatever it is you felt there was not enough of.
The competition is over.
This alters everything. Now, instead of competing with others to get what you want, you begin to give what you want away. Instead of fighting for more love, you begin giving more love away. Instead of struggling for success, you begin making sure that everyone else is successful. Instead of grasping for power, you begin empowering others.
Instead of seeking affection, attention, sexual satisfaction, and emotional security, you find yourself being the source of it. Indeed, everything that you have ever wanted, you are now supplying to others. And the wonder of it all is that, as you give, so do you receive. You suddenly have more of whatever you are giving away.
The reason for this is clear. It has nothing to do with the fact that what you have done is "morally right," or "spiritually enlightened," or the "Will of God." It has to do with a simple truth: There is no one else in the room.
There is only one of us.

