
瀏覽人數 485
要「產生更多生命」的方法就是「體驗更多的死亡」。別讓死亡成為一生只此一遭的事!體驗你人生中的每個片刻為一次死亡(Experience each moment of your life as a death.),因為,事實上它就是如此,當你重新定義死亡為一個經驗的結束和另一個經驗的開始時(re-define death as simply the end of one experience and the beginning of another)
You will even find equanimity in the moments before your death, for you will see your death, too, as perfect.
You will find and create equanimity even more masterfully when you understand that every moment is a dying. Every moment is the end of your life as what you were, and the beginning of your new life as what you now choose to become.
In each moment you are recreating yourself anew. You are either doing this consciously or unconsciously, with awareness or completely unaware of what is going on.
You do not have to be facing the moment of what you have previously called "death" in order to experience more life. You can experience more life whenever you wish, in a hundred different ways, at a hundred different times—at the moment of your birth, at the moment of your death, or at any moment in between.
This much I promise you: You will experience more life at the moment of your physical death—and this will do more than anything else to convince you that there is more life, that life goes on and on, and never, ever ends. In that instant will you realize that there was never not enough. There was never not enough of Life, and there was never not enough of the stuff of life.
This will dissolve The Fourth Illusion forever. Yet that Illusion can be dissolved before the moment of your death, and that is My message here.
The way to produce more life is to experience more death. Don’t let death be a once-in-a- lifetime thing! Experience each moment of your life as a death, for that is, in truth, what it is when you re-define death as simply the end of one experience and the beginning of another.
When you do this, you can have a little funeral each moment for what just passed, for what just died. And then you can turn around and create the future, realizing that there is a future, that there is more Life.


在你的人生結束時,在我們描述的死亡的第三階段裡,你會被詢問一個非凡的問題。這是你曾被問過的最重大的問題了,而你的回答會是你曾做過的最重大的聲明,... 更多
「死亡」從來就不是一個結束,卻永遠都是個開始。「死亡」是打開門,而不是關起來。當你了解「生命是永恆的」,你就了解死亡是你的幻覺,是為了讓你非常關切你的肉體,因而幫助你相信你之所是。... 更多
信念(Belief)在死亡的第二階段後就不再創造你的經驗了。尼爾:那在第三階段是由什麼創造... 更多
當只有一樣東西,而你知道你即是那一樣東西時,絕不會有不足的問題。你永遠會是足夠的。可是當你決定不是只有一樣東西時,那時—— 也唯有那時——才可能會有「別的東西」之不足的存在 。... 更多