聽神談【「看見完美」See the Perfection】
當你對生命有一種無條件的愛時,你就能愛生命如它此時此刻顯現的樣子。而這只有當你「看見完美 」時才有可能(This is possible only when you are “seeing the perfection.”)。
我告訴你,每件事和每個人都是完美的。當你能看見這一點,你已經步上大師之道的第一步了。然而,除非並且直到你能夠準確地瞭解「每個人都試圖在做的,以及天下一切事物為何存在」的目的 ,你無法看見這點。

This is possible only when you are "seeing the perfection."
I tell you that everything and everyone is perfect. When you can see this, you have taken your first step toward mastery. Yet you cannot see this unless and until you understand exactly what everyone is trying to do, and the purpose for everything under heaven.
For instance, when you understand that the purpose of this dialogue's returning to its main points repeatedly is to bring you deeper and deeper into your own understanding, and closer and closer to mastery, then you will love the repetition. You will love it because you understand the benefit. You embrace the gift.
This will bring you equanimity in this moment, and in all the moments of your life, no matter how unpleasant you might previously have judged them. You will even find equanimity in the moments before your death, for you will see your death, too, as perfect.