現在,您可以從 Being創造生活大師 和此篇相關與神對話文章上,獲得較清楚和完整的參考資料,只要您願意敞開心胸!

Being不是一個創造的工具,而是對創造的一個新理解(a new understanding of creation)。
(it is not a process by which things occur, but by which you become aware of what already has occurred)

And thinking is a very powerful tool. Don't get Me wrong. It is one of the Three Tools of Creation.
Thought, word, and deed.
Precisely. Yet today I have given you another method by which you can experience Life. This is not a tool of creation, this is a new understanding of creation: that it is not a process by which things occur, but by which you become aware of what already has occurred—an awareness of what is, always was, and always will be, world without end.