喬治·盧卡斯是電影《星際大戰》系列故事的編劇,1977年開始拍攝和執導《星際大戰》共六部曲的製作。2012年底將他一手打造的《星際大戰》王國——盧卡斯影業賣給了迪士尼。這六部電影,以及第七部《原力覺醒 The Force Awakens》都以精彩的戲劇張力表達了一些「原力」是什麼的神奇面向。現在,不妨讓我們直接聽神解說:
利用神(Use God)是指去把這三項我已給你們的工具和禮物都發揮運用(use all the tools and gifts):
1.「創造性的能量」(Creative Energy)的禮物,它容許你們以自己的思、言、行,來形成你們的實相,並創造自己的經驗。
2.「和善的智慧」(Gentle Wisdom)的禮物,它容許你們明白什麼時候不由外表來判斷真相是有益的。以及
3.「純淨之愛」(Pure Love)的禮物,它容許你們不帶條件地祝福和接受別人,給他們自由去做他們自己的選擇、實現他們的選擇,並且也給你們神聖的自己(Divine Self)充分的自由去做同樣的事,讓你們每個人重新創造你們自己,按照你們對自己是誰所曾抱持的下一個最偉大憧憬之最恢宏版本。
我告訴你,宇宙中有一股神聖的「原力」(Divine Force),而它是由「創造性的能量」、「和善的智慧」及「純淨之愛」所構成的。
而當你們利用神時,你們只是在利用這股神聖的「原力」。(When you use God, you are simply using this Divine Force.)
尼爾:「願原力與你同在!」(May the force be with you! 註:電影《星際大戰》中的名句。)
一點也沒錯。你以為喬治·盧卡斯(George Lucas)是無意中想出那一句的嗎?你以為那點子是無中生有的嗎?我告訴你,是我啟發了喬治去想出那些文句,以及其背後的想法,正如我現在正在此啟發你想出這些文字和想法一樣。
片中少女芮開始覺醒到自己的「原力」,即覺察自己擁有「創造性的能量」和懂得不由外表來判斷真相的「和善智慧」,開始會運用她的原力。覺醒是一種"開始憶起"的過程。相信後續的劇情將包括與黑暗力量大對決的勝負關鍵,在於運用最強大的原力之源—— 「純淨之愛」。此片育樂效果十足,值得觀賞。
It means to use all the tools and gifts I have given you.
1. The gift of creative energy, which allows you to form your reality and create your experience with your thoughts, words, and deeds.
2. The gift of gentle wisdom, which allows you to know the truth in times when it may be good to judge not by appearances.
3. And the gift of pure love, which allows you to bless others and accept them without condition, granting them the freedom to make their own choices and to live them, and giving your Divine Self the freedom to do the same, each of you re-creating your Self anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.
I tell you, there is a Divine Force in the universe, and it is made up of these: creative energy, gentle wisdom, pure love.When you use God, you are simply using this Divine Force.
Neale: "May the force be with you."
Precisely. Do you think George Lucas came up with that by accident? Do you imagine that idea came out of thin air? I tell you, I inspired George to come up with those words, and the ideas behind them, just as I am inspiring you now to come up with the words and ideas here.
So go now, and do that which you have given your Self to do. Change the world "by force."