
瀏覽人數 2757
讓我們停止跟隨那些「外界已替我們選擇好」的選擇,讓我們生活中的各個層面充滿越來越多創造性的能量(creative energy)
你的目的不只是了悟和體驗「你真正是誰」,還要去創造「你接下來要成為誰」(create Who You Next Will Be)。你的功能是:在每個當下時刻,以「你對你是誰所抱持之最偉大憧憬」的下一個最偉大版本,重新創造你自己。這即你們稱為演化的過程。
然而,你並非必須要受到這過程的負面影響。你可以「身處這世界但不屬於它」。(You can be in this world but not of it.)
Your choice has been to choose what others have chosen. And so, you relive the cultural story of your forebears—as they did of theirs, even unto the seventh generation.
The day that you stop choosing what has been chosen for you will be the moment of your liberation.
You will not then escape the Illusion but be liberated from it. You will step outside of the Illusion, but will continue to live with it, free of its ability to control you or your reality.
You will never choose to end the Illusion, once you understand its purpose, until your own purpose is fulfilled.
Your purpose is not only to know and experience Who You Really Are, but to create Who  You Next Will Be. It is your function to re-create yourself anew in every single Moment of Now, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are. This is the process you have called evolution.
Yet you need not be affected by this process in any negative way. You can be in this world but not of it.
When you are, you will begin to experience the world as you choose to experience it. You will then understand experience itself to be an action rather than a reaction; something that you are making, not something that you are having.
When you understand this, everything in your life will change. When enough of you understand this, everything on your planet will change.


在創造的當下,你就在實現你的人生。因為創造是「你們如何成長與演化」的方式,而這正是,你與一切萬物在地球上要做的事。... 更多
宇宙中有一股神聖的「原力」(Divine Force)。當你們利用神時,你們只是在利用這股神聖的「原力」。(When you use God, you are simply using this Divine Force.)... 更多
靈魂在「概念化某事物」和「知曉某事物」之間沒有「時間間隔」。這是因為在精神領域(spiritual realm)中靈魂是在所有的三個創造層面(意識、潛意識、超意識)同時創造,而在物質世界裡它極少如此... 更多