整部與神對話信息裡,神非常多次引用了莎士比亞的名言,其中最著名的就是這句「To be, or not to be. That is the question.」。但是為何神要引用這句話?有多少人了解並能領會這句話更大的含意和價值?為何莎翁這句話這麼神奇,能夠風靡全球四百多年?
此篇裡神說:「人生中,全部都只是一個「你 being 什麼」的問題。(It is all a question of what you are being.)」。是否可能這是神透過莎士比亞來啟發我們去探索的問題呢?歡迎探索:

在《與神對話》第一部中,我們曾談過「是—做—有」範型(Be-Do-Have paradigm),以及大部分人是如何反其道而行。
大部分人認為,如果他們「有」某樣東西(更多時間、更多錢、更多愛 … 等等),然後他們就終於可以「做」某件事(寫一本書、培養某個愛好、去度假、買棟房子、承接某種關係),而那會讓他們「是」如何如何(是快樂的、和平的、滿足的,或在戀愛等等)。
事實上,他們正把「是—做—有」的範型顛倒了。宇宙中的真實情況(跟你們所想的相反)是,「有 (having) 」並不產生「是 (being)」,卻正好相反。
首先你「是」所謂的“快樂”(或“知曉”、或“智慧”、或“慈悲” … 等等)的人,然後從這「是」你會開始「做」一些事情——而不久,你會發現你所做的會水到渠成地帶給你一些你一直想要「有」的東西。
啟動這個創造過程(沒錯,這正是……創造的過程〔 the process of creation 〕)的方法,是先看清你想要「有」的是什麼,問你自己如果你「有」那個東西時你會「是(being)」什麼狀態,然後直接 being 那狀態。

人生中,你並非必須去做任何事。(In life, you do not have to do anything.)
全部都只是一個「你 being 什麼」的問題。
(It is all a question of what you are being. 註:莎士比亞說:To be, or not to be, that is the question. 一切的問題只在於 being什麼。)
摘自《與神對話 III》第1章

Now in Book 1, we talked about the Be-Do-Have paradigm, and how most people have it reversed.
Most people believe if they "have" a thing (more time, money, love—whatever), then they can finally "do" a thing (write a book, take up a hobby, go on vacation, buy a home, undertake a relationship), which will allow them to "be" a thing (happy, peaceful, content, or in love).
In actuality, they are reversing the Be-Do-Have paradigm. In the universe as it really is (as opposed to how you think it is), "havingness" does not produce "beingness," but the other way around.
First you "be" the thing called "happy" (or "knowing," or "wise," or "compassionate," or whatever), then you start "doing" things from this place of beingness—and soon you discover that what you are doing winds up bringing you the things you've always wanted to "have."
The way to set this creative process (and that's what this is... the process of creation) into motion is to look at what it is you want to "have," ask yourself what you think you would "be" if you "had" that, then go right straight to being.
In this way you reverse the way you've been using the Be-Do-Have paradigm—in actuality, set it right—and work with, rather than against, the creative power of the universe.
Here is a short way of stating this principle: In life, you do not have
to do anything.
It is all a question of what you are being.