你們在“再次投胎”後,離開本體核心(the Core of Your Being),以便透過有距離的視角,能「更清楚地認識」我在核心那裡見到的真相。
尼爾:如果我已經無法再更完善了呢?如果我在剛剛經歷的一生中已經完整地融會貫通(total mastery)了以上的體驗了呢?那會怎麼樣?迴圈會結束嗎?
不會。你僅僅會重新定義「融會貫通」(redefine “mastery”)。
是的。「生命」的欲望和天性是產生更多的生命,並產生更豐盛的生命。(It is the desire and the nature of Life to produce more Life, and produce it more abundantly.)
萬物都在成長之中,沒有演化的終點這回事。要永遠記得:沒有演化的終點這回事。(There is no such thing as the end of evolution.)
我已向你描述了永續不斷的生命迴圈(cycle of everlasting life)。因為,如所有的生命一樣,你在尋求重新創造自己,於是你會移入精神領域(spiritual realm),在其中你會更認識、更理解你是誰,以及你選擇是誰,然後你會回到你的本體核心,再次回到物質世界,以另一種方式遊歷同一條時間之廊,或另一條全然不同的時間之廊,以便你能在你的體驗中知曉「成為你選擇想成為的」是什麼感覺。
And I am "born again" and move away from the Core so that I--in your words, now--may "better come to Know" what I encountered at the Core "as real," through the perspective of distance.
This is what the process of death--and birth--is all about. You are constantly moving to and from the Core of Your Being, that you might Know and Experience the true nature of Who You Are. You use distance to Know and to Experience the Totality IS the Totality, it experiences only the Totality, and none of it's constituent parts.”
Neale: What if I can't be any better than I just was? What if I have experienced total mastery in the life I have just lived? Then what? Will the cycle end?
No. You will simply redefine "mastery."
Neale:I'll raise the bar.
Neale: So that the game can go on. So that the process can continue.
Yes. It is the desire and the nature of Life to produce more Life, and to produce it more abundantly.
Everything grows, and there is no such thing as the end of evolution.
I have already described to you the cycle of everlasting life. Because you seek to re- create yourself anew, as does all of Life, you will move into the spiritual realm, in which you will come to know and understand more of Who You Are and who you choose to be, then you will return to the Core of Your Being and back out into the physical world, traveling the same Corridor of Time in a different way, or a different Corridor altogether, so that you may Know in Your Experience what it is like to be who you have chosen to be.