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《與神對話 4:喚醒人類》提供了我們如此珍貴又簡單的可行指引,以致你可能不再懷疑「這對話裡的神是真的嗎?」——如果你願意打開心胸真誠地去檢驗書上的每一句話,你內心的聲音將給你最適合你的最好答案。以下是摘自書中的16項「人類與高度進化生命(HEB)的主要差異」(書中有神對每一項的詳細解說)
尼爾:...如果我們以那些高度演化生命(Highly Evolved Beings)一直在鼓勵我們去做的方式——以實際的事情那樣地——過日常生活,儘管我仍然在嘗試,只要用一兩種以上的方式,我們在這裡的日常生活經驗就會改變。
  1. 一個覺醒的物種明白「一切生命的一體性」,並活在無分離的一體中。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常否認它或忽視它。
  2. 一個覺醒的物種永遠只說真實的(tells the truth, always)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,太常對自己以及對其他人說謊。
  3. 一個覺醒的物種會言行一致地做他們所說的(do what they say)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常說的是一回事,做的是另一回事。
  4. 一個覺醒的物種,已經看到和承認「什麼是真實情況」(what is so)時,將總是做什麼是有效可行的(do what works)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,常常做相反的事情。
  5. 一個覺醒的物種不會在他們的文明中抱持一種「與人類稱為正義』和『懲罰』的概念相互關聯」的原則。
  6. 一個覺醒的物種不會在他們的文明中抱持一種「與人類稱為不足』的概念相互關聯」的原則。
  7. 一個覺醒的物種不會在他們的文明中抱持一種「與人類稱為所有權』的概念相互關聯」的原則。
  8. 一個覺醒的物種一向與所有的人分享所有的事物(shares everything with everyone all the time)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,通常不分享,只在有限制的情況下與他人分享。
  9. 一個覺醒的物種會在科技和宇宙論(cosmology)之間,在機器與自然之間,創造一種平衡。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,通常不會這樣。
  10. 一個覺醒的物種永遠不會在任何情況下終止另一個有感知生命目前的物質生命,除非直接被另一個生命要求這樣做。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常在沒有受到對方要求的狀態下,殺死其他的人類。
  11. 一個覺醒的物種永遠不會做任何「可能損害或傷害支持人類生存的物質環境」的事情。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常這樣做。
  12. 一個覺醒的物種永遠不會毒害自己。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常這樣做。
  13. 一個覺醒的物種永遠不去對抗競爭。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,經常彼此相互對抗競爭。
  14. 一個覺醒的物種很清楚自己一無所需(needs nothing)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,通常創造出一種「以需求為基礎」的經驗。
  15. 一個覺醒的物種經歷表達對每一個人的無條件的愛(experiences and expresses unconditional love for everyone)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,甚至常無法想像有一個在這樣做的神,更不用說他們自己會這樣做。
  16. 一個覺醒的物種已在利用形而上(非物質)的力量(harnessed the power of metaphysics)。人類在一個未覺醒的狀態,通常在很大程度地忽視這力量。
當然,還有更多的差異,但這些是「已經覺醒的物種」的一些主要特徵,以及這樣的物種與人類目前在未覺醒的狀態之間的主要差異(major differences between such a species and humanity in its present unawakened state)。
摘自《與神對話 4》第13章 
Neale: Okay, so I see that this single change is but another articulation of the One Decision I spoke of earlier. It could quickly bring about a new way of living on Earth. That excites me. The possibilities that arise from this excite me. I’m still trying, though, to get sense of more than just one or two ways that our daily experience here would change, as a practical matter, if we moved through everyday life in the way that these Highly Evolved Beings have been encouraging us to do.
I can give you a list of them.
Neale: Please do.
You may want to memorize this. Or at least put it in a place where you will see it often.
1.       An awakened species sees the Unity of All Life and lives into it. Humans in an unawakened state often deny it or ignore it.
2.       An awakened species tells the truth, always. Humans in an unawakened state too often lie, to themselves as well as others.
3.       An awakened species says one thing and will do what they say. Humans in an unawakened state often say one thing and do another.
4.       An awakened species, having seen and acknowledged what is so, will always do what works. Humans in an unawakened state often do the opposite.
5.       An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concepts that humans refer to as “justice” and “punishment”.
6.       An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concept that humans refer to as “insufficiency”.
7.       An awakened species does not embrace a principle in its civilization that correlates with the concept that humans refer to as “ownership”.
8.       An awakened species shares everything with everyone all the time. Humans in an unawakened state often do not, only sharing with others in limited circumstances.
9.       An awakened species creates a balance between technology and cosmology; between machines and nature. Humans in an unawakened state often do not.
10.     An awakened species would never under any circumstances terminate the current physical expression of another sentient being unless asked directly by that other being to do so. Humans in an unawakened state often kill other humans without that other human requesting them to.
11.     An awakened species would never do anything that could potentially damage or harm the physical environment that supports the members of the species when they are physicalized.  Humans in an unawakened state often do so.
12.     An awakened species never poisons itself. Humans in an unawakened state often do so.
13.     An awakened species never competes. Humans in an unawakened state are often in competition with each other.
14.     An awakened species is clear that it needs nothing. Humans in an unawakened state often create a need-based experience.
15.     An awakened species experiences and expresses unconditional love for everyone.  Humans in an unawakened state often cannot imagine even a Deity who does this, much less do they do it themselves.
16.     An awakened species has harnessed the power of metaphysics. Humans in an unawakened state often largely ignore it.
There are more differences, of course, but those are some of the chief characteristics of an awakened species, and the major differences between such a species and humanity in its present unawakened state.


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