聽神談【愛最無疑的傳達方式和「神聖二分法」】ocha test

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「神聖二分法」(Divine Dichotomy)的意思是:在同一情境事件上,兩個顯然矛盾的真相可以同時並存的一種經驗。
我永遠都和你們在一起,既使是天荒地老。(I am always with you, even unto the end of time.)


我選擇給你們「你們的最高好處」(your highest good),但在那之上,我更選擇給你們「你們的意願」(your will)。而這是愛最無疑的傳達方式(And this is the surest measure of love.)。
尼爾:這似乎和你在第一部中所說的意思直接矛盾。在第一部中你說:愛完全不是關乎別人being(是、處於)什麼、在做(doing)什麼和有(having)什麼,而只關乎真正的自己being什麼、做什麼和有什麼(what the Self is being, doing and having)。
這其中並沒有矛盾。只是你沒有看出其中的和諧。只有當你明白「我為我做的最高選擇和你為你做的最高選擇是一樣的」時,你才能明白這關於愛的神聖教誨(divine doctrine about love)。而這是因為你和我是一體的。
你看出了嗎,這神聖教誨是一種「神聖二分法」(Divine Dichotomy)——在同一情境事件上兩個顯然矛盾的真相可以同時並存的一種經驗(an experience within which two apparently contradictory truths can exist in the same space at the same time)。

摘自《與神對話 III》第1章


I tell you this: There is never a time when I am not with you; never a moment when I am not "ready."
Have I not told you this before?
Neale: Yes, but...
I am always with you, even unto the end of time.
Yet I will not impose My will on you—ever.
I choose your highest good for you, but above that, I choose your will for you. And this is the surest measure of love.
When I want for you what you want for you, then I truly love you.
When I want for you what I want for you, then I am loving Me, through you.
So, too, by the same measure, can you determine whether others love you, and whether you truly love others. For love chooses naught for itself, but only seeks to make possible the choices of the beloved other.
Neale: That seems to directly contradict what You put in Book 1 about love being not at all concerned with what the other is being, doing, and having, but only with what the Self is being, doing, and having.
Neale: It brings up other questions as well, like... what of the parent who shouts at the child, "Get  out of the street!" Or, better yet, risks his own life to run out into swirling traffic and snatch  the child up? What of that parent? Is she not loving her child? Yet she has imposed her own will. Remember, the child was in the street because it wanted to be.
Neale: How do You explain these contradictions?
There is no contradiction. Yet you cannot see the harmony. And you will not understand this divine doctrine about love until you understand that My highest choice for Me is the same as your highest choice for you. And that is because you and I are one.
You see, the Divine Doctrine is also a Divine Dichotomy, and that is because life itself is a dichotomy—an experience within which two apparently contradictory truths can exist in the same space at the same time.
In this case, the apparently contradictory truths are that you and I are separate, and you and I are one. The same apparent contradiction appears in the relation ship between you and everyone else.

