
整套「與神對話」系列的內容和對白,都是設計來做為一種「一步步釋放人類受限的感知」之過程。也就是說,將他們從潛意識拉向超覺意識。這過程就叫做「意識提升」 (consciousness raising)。它是一個人類被移到「對生命的更大覺知、對自己的更大體驗,和對宇宙的更大連結」的方法。
It is at the supraconscious level of the mind that you are connected with me and with All That Is in a nonlinear, total- infusion pattern that eliminates delineations even as it maintains specific energy-form integrity.
It melts you into God, without forgetting who you are, individually.
The supraconscious performs its function by storing All Data Everywhere, allowing it to non differentiate from the All, even as it individuates.
It is doing that right now, as you, Neale, write these words, which are coming from Me but are coming through You, even as if the two were One—which is precisely the case.
The entire Conversations with God series of dialogues has been designed as a step-by-step process of freeing humans from their limited perceptions. That is, of pulling them from their subconscious to their supraconscious. This process is known as consciousness raising. It is the means by which human beings are moved to a larger awareness of Life, a grander experience of the Self, and a greater connectivity to the universal.