生命的運作無法脫離三個基本原理:「功能性」、「適應性」與「維續性」。它運作其功能 (functions),或當它萎縮到幾乎功能失常的點,它會適應 (adapts),而經由了調適,生命會維續 (sustains)它自己。
生命是永恆的。在生命裡的一切東西,都支持生命。 (All things in Life support Life.)
尼爾:這對我而言是什麼意思? 對人類而言又有何意義呢?
這意味著,你們的星球可能變成一個活生生的地獄 (a living hell)。這意味著,這能量系統───你們身為它的一部分───將以它必須採取任何必要的方式,調適它自己,以確保 生命本身是被維續的。
那系統是遠大於你的小我 (your Little Self)的,而你犯的錯誤是,你誤以為你的小我比系統大───當然,這系統是大我 (the Big Self)。
If it did, Life Itself would cease to be. Such a thing cannot occur, because Life will not allow it. Life is ruled by three basic principles: functionality, adaptability, and sustainability. It functions, or, having atrophied to the point of near dysfunctionality, it adapts, and having adapted, it sustains itself.
Always, Life sustains itself. Life is eternal.
All things in Life support Life.
Neale: Then we have nothing to worry about on this planet.
Ah, but it is the second of the Three Basic Principles of Life that you must watch carefully. For, you see, Life is eternally adaptable. That is, it will change Itself, it will alter the form in which it is expressed, in order to ensure that it is sustained.
Neale: What does that mean to me? What does that mean to humans?
It means that your planet could become a living hell. It means that the energy sys- tem of which you are a part will adapt itself in whatever way it has to, in order to make certain that Life Itself is sustained.
And so if you, as a part of Life, adapt the Life System of which you are a part in such a way that the System itself is threat- ened at the level of functionality, the System will counter adapt in order to sustain itself, and you, my friend, may not like the way in which it does this.
The System is bigger than your Little Self, and the mistake you are making is in imagining that your Little Self is bigger than the System—which, of course, is the Big Self.
You do not stand outside of the System, but are part of the System, and the System will adapt the part of it that you are before it will allow you to adapt IT beyond its functional limits.
This "system" is the "process" that you called "change," isn't it?
This "system" is, then, what you called "God," yes?
Neale: Oh, boy, another definition.