人們窮其畢生之力都在追求「他們已然擁有」的東西。他們擁有它,是因為他們就是它。(People spend whole lifetimes seeking that which they already have. They have it, because they are it.)
親愛的,成為愛。(Beloved, be love.)

因為你們全是「我」的一部分,「神體」的一分子 (a member of the Body of God)。而當你「憶起」(remember) 你真正是誰時,你真的就是照著字面這樣去做。就是說,你在重新成為一員 (re-membering) ——再度變成神體的一員。
只有一個「一體」。(There is only One Body.)
一個生命存在體。(One Being.)
People spend whole lifetimes seeking that which they already have. They have it, because they are it.
All you have to do to have love is to be love.
You are My beloved. Each of you. All of you. None of you is more lovable than another, because none of you is more of Me than another—although some of you remember more of Me, and, therefore, more of yourself.
So do not forget yourself.
Beloved, be love.
Do this in remembrance of Me.
For you are all a part of Me, a member of the Body of God. And when you remember Who You Really Are, you are doing that quite literally. That is, you are remembering— becoming a member once again of the One Body.
There is only One Body.
One Being.
Always remember that.