
瀏覽人數 2228
人類會不會永遠淪落在地獄中而被神遺棄? 到底什麼是「地獄」? 地獄是否真的存在? 神是否真的一直都有派遣「牧者」在引領我們? 不妨讓我們聽神解說:
當你們完全被開啟了(enlightened,或稱悟道、開悟)——也就是,再度充滿了光(light)——的時候,你們甚至會因為某個理由而選擇重返肉身生活,來喚醒他人。你們可以選擇重返這物質的人生,不是為了創造和體驗你們本我(Self)的任何新面向,卻只為了把真理之光帶到這幻相之地,以讓他人可以看到。那時你便是一個「荷光者」("bringer of the light")。那時你便是這人類「大覺醒」(The Awakening)的一部分。有其他的人已經在這樣做了。
是的。他們是已開悟的靈魂(enlightened souls),是已經進化了的靈魂。他們不再尋求他們自己的更高體驗。他們已經有過最高的體驗。他們現在唯一的願望,是把那種體驗的消息帶給你們。他們帶給你們「好消息」。他們會指示你們通往神的道路和生命。他們會說:「我是道路和生命。跟隨我。」他們會為你們做模範,讓你們知道,生活在「意識與神結合(conscious union with God)中的永恆榮耀」是什麼樣子。那有意識地生活在與神合一的意識,就叫「神識」(God Consciousness)
我們一直是合一的,你與我。我們不可能不如此。那是根本不可能的。然而你們現在是生活在一種「對那合一無意識的經驗(unconscious experience of that unification)中。以肉體生活在一種「與一切萬有合一的意識」中是可能的;一種對終極真相的覺知意識;對「你真正是誰」有意識的表達。當你這樣做時,你就為所有他人——所有生活在遺忘中的人——作為一個可喚醒他們的模範。你成為活生生的提醒者。在此過程中,你拯救他人免於永遠失落在遺忘中。
這即是地獄——永遠失落在遺忘中(That is hell, to lost permanently in forgetfulness)。然而,我不會允許那樣。我不會允許任何一隻羊失落,卻會派遣……牧者。
事實上,我會派遣許多牧者,而你,可以選擇成為其中之一。而當靈魂們從沉睡中被你喚醒,重新憶起「他們是誰」,所有在天國的天使們都為這些靈魂歡呼。因為,他們曾經迷失,現在已被找回(once they were lost, and now they are found)
尼爾:就在現在,我們這星球上就有這種神聖生命的人(holy beings),是嗎?不僅是在過去,而就在現在?
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章
And when you are thus totally enlightened—that is, once more filled with the light—you may even choose, as your particular reason for returning to physical life, the reminding of others. You may select to return to this physical life not to create and experience any new aspect of your Self, but to bring the light of truth to this place of illusion, that others may see. Then will you be a "bringer of the light". Then will you be part of The Awakening. There are others who have already done this.
Neale: They have come here to help us to know Who We Are.
Yes. They are enlightened souls, souls which have evolved. They no longer seek the next higher experience of themselves. They have already had the highest experience. They desire now only to bring news of that experience to you. They bring you the "good news." They will show you the way, and the life, of God. They will say "I am the way and the life. Follow me." Then they will model for you what it is like to live in the everlasting glory of conscious union with God—which is called God Consciousness.
We are always united, you and I. We cannot not be. It is simply impossible. Yet you live now in the unconscious experience of that unification. It is also possible to live in the physical body in conscious union with All That Is; in conscious awareness of ultimate truth; in conscious expression of Who You Really Are. When you do this, you serve as a model for all others, others who are living in forgetfulness. You become a living re-minder. And in this you save others from becoming permanently lost in their forgetfulness.
That is hell, to become lost permanently in forgetfulness. Yet I will not allow it. I will not allow a single sheep to be lost, but will send… a shepherd.
Indeed, many shepherds will I send, and you may choose to be one of them. And when souls are awakened by you from their slumber, reminded once again of Who They Are, all the angels in heaven rejoice for these souls. For once they were lost, and now they are found.
Neale: There are people, holy beings, like this right now on our planet, is that not right? Not just in the past, but right now?
Yes. Always there have been. Always there will be. I will not leave you without teachers; I will not abandon the flock, but always send after it My shepherds.


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