連「希特勒也上了天堂」盡然是屬於神的計畫(God's plan)裡無數創造的種類之一。事實上,這是一個能幫助人們更了解神,了解什麼是「神的計畫」、與你有何關係的好例子。可惜在中文《與神對話 I》書中漏翻了這一段(本篇最後一段),可能是當年譯者遇到這句難以理解的「Hitler went to heaven」而選擇跳過。因為在那(1994年第一本與神對話上市)之前從未有過這樣的說法,一般人也會因無法接受這種說法,而無法了解這點。
這段話顯然是神有意利用這人類史上眾所皆知的血淋淋例子向世人解說而佈下的梗,祂在第二次的公開對話(即《與神對話 II》)中用了很大的篇幅,解說「為何希特勒也能上天堂」以及這裡談的「神的計畫」的關聯性和原因,非常值得參閱。我們志工也會陸續把這部分的精華重點,分享在 www.iGOD.tw 上。
我即生命,因為我是「生命所是的東西」(I am life, for I am the stuff life is.)。生命的每一個方面,都有一個神聖的目的。沒有一樣東西——沒有任何一樣——的存在,是沒有一個為神所了解及贊同的理由的。(Its every aspect has a divine purpose. Nothing exist—nothing—without a reason understood and approved by God.)
你們無法創造出任何一樣「神的計畫」之外的東西——既使是一個想法、一個物件、一個事件或任何一種的經驗。因為「神的計畫」是讓你們去創造任何東西——每樣東西——你們想要的任何東西(God's plan is for you to create anything—everything—whatever you want.)。在這種自由裡,存在著「神之為神」的經驗——而就是為了這個經驗,我創造了你們,以及生命本身。(In such freedom lies the experience of God being God---and this is the experience for which I created you. And life itself.)
惡是「你們稱為惡」的東西。然而即使是那我也愛,因為,只有透過你們稱為惡的東西,你們才能認識「善」;只有透過你們稱為「魔鬼的工作」的事,你們才能認識並且去做「神的工作」(the work of God)。我愛熱並不比我愛冷更多,愛高不比愛低更多,愛左不比愛右更多。這全都是相對的。全都是本然的一部分(It is all part of what is.)。
我並不愛「好的」比我愛「壞的」更多。希特勒也上了天堂。當你了解這一點,你將了解神。(I do not love "good" more than I love "bad". Hitler went to heaven. When you understand this, you will understand God. 註:這一段在中文《與神對話 I》中被遺漏了。關於「為何希特勒也能上天堂?」可參閱《與神對話 II》第3章和第4章。)
摘自《與神對話 I》第2章
I am life, for I am the stuff life is. Its every aspect has a divine purpose.
Nothing exists—nothing— without a reason understood and approved by God.
Neale: How can this be? What of the evil which has been created by man?
You cannot create a thing— not a thought, an object, an event—no experience of any kind— which is outside of God's plan. For God's plan is for you to create anything—everything—whatever you want. In such freedom lies the experience of God being God—and this is the experience for which I created You. And life itself.
Evil is that which you call evil. Yet even that I love, for it is only through that which you call evil that you can know good; only through that which you call the work of the devil that you can know and do the work of God. I do not love hot more than I love cold, high more than low, left more than right. It is all relative. It is all part of what is.
I do not love "good" more than I love "bad." Hitler went to heaven. When you understand this, you will understand God.