「Being的狀態」先於經驗,並產生經驗(Beingness precedes experience, and produces it.)。一旦你真正搞懂這點,你將開始主宰自己的人生!



Now here is the truth about you: It is impossible for you not to survive. You cannot fail to live, It is not a question of whether you will live but how That is, what form will you take? What will your experience be?
I tell you this: You need nothing to survive. Your survival is guaranteed. I gave you everlasting life, and I never took it away from you.
Hearing this, you may say yes, but survival is one thing, and happiness is another. You may imagine that you need something in order to survive happily—that you can be happy only under certain conditions. This is not true, but you have believed it to be true. And because belief produces experience, you have experienced life in this way...
You may imagine that you can be abundant only under certain conditions. This is not true, but you have believed it to be true. And because belief produces experience, you have experienced life in this way, and have thus imagined a God who must experience Life in this way as well. Yet this is no more true for God than it is for you.
Here is a great secret:
Abundance is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of abundance.
This statement holds true for every other state of being as well.
Beingness precedes experience, and produces it.
When you know this, you will be as God. You will have mastered life.