
走向內心。尋求你們內在的智慧(Go inside. Search your place of inner wisdom)。傾聽看這內在智慧呼喚你們做什麼,就照著去做。
...最重要的是,不要害怕。因為不論發生什麼事,你們都不可能“死”,所以沒有什麼好害怕的。要對那正在展開的「歷程」(The Process)有所覺知,心中暗自明白你們一切都不會有問題。
要尋求與一切事物的完美(the perfection of all things)與保持接觸。明白你會遇到的正是你必須遇到的,以便在你創造「你真正是誰」的過程中,讓你選擇你所需要去經歷的經驗。
這就是通往平安之路。在一切事物中,看見它的完美。(In all things, see the perfection.)
最後要注意的是,不要試圖“擺脫”任何東西。凡你抗拒的,就會持續(What you resist, persists.)。我在第一部曲中已告訴過你們。那是真的。
不論發生什麼事,都把喜悅帶到那時刻,因為喜悅即「你之所是」及「你永遠所是」 (because joy is Who You Are, and Who You will Always Be, 註:這裡的你(You)指的是大我、本我(Self)。) 。
神無法創造任何不完美的東西(God cannot create anything imperfect.)。如果你認為神會創造不完美的東西,那你對神就還根本不了解。
你們絕對可以避開(definately can avoid)受到任何那種事的負面影響。
但這卻是我的回答。無懼地面對未來,領會那「歷程」,並看出它全部的完美 (understanding The Process and seeing the perfection of all of it) 。

摘自《與神對話 III》第6章

Neale: How do I do that? How can I affect such a large outcome? What should we do in the face of all these predictions of disaster by persons of psychic or spiritual "authority"?
Go inside. Search your place of inner wisdom. See what this calls on you to do. Then do it.
Most important of all, do not be afraid. You cannot "die" in any event, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Be aware of The Process unfolding, and quietly know that everything is going to be okay with you.
Seek to get in touch with the perfection of all things. Know that you will be exactly where you have to be in order to experience exactly what you choose as you go about creating Who You Really Are.
This is the way to peace. In all things, see the perfection.
Finally, don't try to "get out" of anything. What you resist, persists. I told you that in the first book, and it's true.
People who are sad about what they "see" in the future, or what they've been "told" about the future, are failing to "stay in the perfection."
Neale: Any other advice?
Celebrate! Celebrate life! Celebrate Self! Celebrate the predictions!
Celebrate God! Celebrate! Play the game.
Bring joy to the moment, whatever the moment seems to bring, because joy is Who You Are, and Who You Will Always Be.
God cannot create anything imperfect. If you think that God can create anything imperfect, then you know nothing of God.
So celebrate. Celebrate the perfection! Smile and celebrate and see only the perfection, and that which others call the imperfection will not touch you in any way which is imperfect for you.
Neale: You mean I can avoid the Earth shifting on its axis, or being smashed by a meteor, or being crumpled by earthquakes, or being caught in a confusing and hysterical aftermath of Y2K?
You can definitely avoid being affected negatively by any of that.
Neale: That isn't what I asked You.
But it is what I answered. Face the future fearlessly, understanding The Process and seeing the perfection of all of it.
That peace, that serenity, that calmness will lead you away from most of the experiences and outcomes others would have called "negative."
Neale: What if You are wrong about all of this? What if You are not "God" at all, but just the overworkings of my fertile imagination?
Ah, back to that question, eh?
Well, what if? So what? Can you think of a better way to live?
All I am saying here is to stay calm, stay peaceful, stay serene, in the face of these dire predictions of planet-wide calamity, and you will have the best outcome possible.
Even if I'm not God, and I'm just "you," making it all up, can you get any better advice?