人類是具有自覺意識的生命形式。當人們變得更自我覺知(self-aware),就更能看見自己對生活周遭境況的影響。當人們對境況越有自覺,就越能夠意識到各種境況對人們的潛在衝擊。神說,這是生命本該如此運作的方式(That's the way life is supposed to work.),但是大多數地球上的生命形式,尚無法意識到它們的衝擊會是什麼。

「量子力學」只不過是神如何專注在祂的某些個別部分,並檢視祂自己在衝擊那些個別部分的科學解釋。(Quantum physics is simply the scientific explanation for how God looks at Its individual parts and watches Itself impacting those Parts.)
以靈性的說法,你們可稱這現象為一個「更高層次的意識」,或「擴增的自我覺知」。它是當那個覺知(That Which Is Aware)體驗到「它會影響那些有自我覺知的生命」的事實。
尼爾:「沒有不受觀察者影響的被觀察物。(“Nothing which is observed is unaffected by the observer.”)」這是量子 力學的第一個定律。
現在,這能量單位,或生命形式(Life Form),再次體驗它自己為一個系統的一部分。它能覺知到:能量的震動越快,頻率就越高,而它對圍繞的能量的衝擊也就越大。
尼爾:這真令人著迷,我甚至可以看見這 如何影響我的生活。當我變得越自覺,我就越能看見我對我生活周遭在發生的影響。而我對那情境越有自覺,我就越能夠有意識地想像那情境對我的潛在衝擊,在我今後做決定時,我就能將它列入考量。
那正是生命本該如此運作的方式,但許多地球的生命形式 ─── 實際上,是大多數 ───無法在事前精確地決定它們的衝擊會是什麼。因而,不可預料性就變成系統的一部分。這(不可預料性)被稱為創造。那是創造物及創造者 being(處於、成為、是 )同一樣東西。

And quantum physics is simply the scientific explanation for how God—"the System," if you please—looks at Its individual parts and watches Itself impacting those Parts.
You would call this phenomenon, in spiritual terms, a "higher level of consciousness," or "increased self- awareness." It is when That Which Is Aware experiences the fact that It affects that of which It IS aware.
Neale: "Nothing which is observed is unaffected by the observer." The first law of quantum physics.
That's very good. Now the energy unit, or Life Form, experiences Itself as part of a System again. It becomes aware that the more rapid is the vibration of its energy, the higher is its frequency, and the more impact it has on the energy around it.
Neale: This is absolutely fascinating, and I can even see how this applies to my own life. The more I become self-aware, the more impact I see myself having upon the life that's going on around me. And the more I have a sense of that, the more conscious I imagine I would become of my poten- tial impact, and I can take that into account as I make future decisions.
That's the way it's supposed to work, but many earthly Life Forms—most, actually—cannot always determine their impact with precision ahead of time. So, unpredictability becomes part of the System. This is called Creation. It is the Creation and the Creator being the same thing.