
對大多數人而言,擴展他們意識最立即的方式(the most immediate way),就是意識到他們「自己有個意識」的這件事實。
在接下來的一百次,當你站在鏡子前觀看你自己時,做「誰」冥想(Who Meditation,詳細方法請參與《重新定義神》第4章,第85和86頁)。
如果你在往後三十天裡,這樣做一百次,你將對自己變得有覺知。你也許不會對「你是誰」有個充分的理解,但你將對「你是」(you ARE)到達一種覺知。也就是說,你將變得有大我意識(Self Conscious)。
一旦你知道你有個大我意識───即,一個「比你大的」部分的你,能將它自己從你的小我(Little You)分開,並傳話給你───你就己順利邁入發現你生命所存在的真相(the truth of your being),並踏上開悟(enlightenment)之路了。

我們在這裡談的是覺知(awareness)。現在,我告訴你門一個偉大的秘訣:如果你不曾在你自己身外看見它,你便無法在你自己內心覺知它;如果你不曾在你自己內心看見它,你便無法在你自己身外在覺知它。(You cannot become aware of anything within yourself without seeing it outside of yourself. You cannot become aware of anything outside of yourself without seeing it inside of yourself.)

The most immediate way for most human beings to expand their consciousness is to become conscious of the fact that they have a "consciousness."
Having a Consciousness is something of which you must become consciously aware. This is called self-awareness, and developing this can be a fairly easy thing.
The next 100 times you look at yourself in a mirror or reflection, do the Who Meditation.
If you do this 100 times in the next 30 days, you will become aware of your Self. You may not have come to a full understanding of Who You Are, but you will come to an awareness that you ARE. That is, you will become Self Conscious.
Once you know you have a Conscious- ness—that is, a part of you that is larger than you, that can separate Itself from the Little You and talk back to you—you are well on your way to discovering the truth of your being and stepping into enlightenment.
You will soon understand that enlightenment is experienced by not seeking to experience it. One does not becomeenlightened because one wishes to. One becomes enlightened because one is. That is, you are already enlightened, and simply now become aware of it.
It is awareness that we are talking about here. And now I will tell you a great secret: You cannot become aware of anything within yourself without seeing it outside of yourself, and you cannot become aware of anything outside of yourself without seeing it inside of yourself.