而「功能性」正是生命運作首要的基本原理和法則。因為,生命永遠以其功能在運作。功能性是一種生命的基本特性 (a basic quality of life.)。而且,生命首重「功能性」(Life is, first of all, functional.)。
現在,您是否願意開始幫助自己、幫助更多人脫離「功能文盲」?誠摯邀請您長期參閱 與神對話生活智慧 FB專頁 和 此資料平台的「生命如何運作」之生命教育:www.igod.tw/taxonomy/term/45

聽神談【「道德」與「功能性」】: 2/4
「道德」是件危險的事(“Morals” are a dangerous thing.),正是因爲道德在人類歷史上隨著時空變遷不斷在改變,並且隨著這星球上各種文化對道德的不同標準的改變而在改變。

然而,若他們改變了道德,其實也等於改變了自己的信念,因爲道德根本就是信念的表彰(morals are simply beliefs expressed)。因此,他們是假仁假義的。他們根本沒有信念。他們只是「相信自己是有信念的」罷了。
這樣讓他們感覺很爽,但卻也使得世界一團糟了(make them feel good, but make the world crazy)。

Neale: So in this New Spirituality that you keep talking about, we're to forget all about morals, is that it?
"Morals" are a dangerous thing, precisely because they change from time to time across history, and from culture to culture across the planet.
The reason that they change is that they are based on beliefs that are fallacious, and what many people do when they discover that certain moral instructions don't work in real life is change their morals without changing the beliefs from which they emerged.
People adamantly refuse to change their most basic beliefs, but they change their morals (that is, how they apply their beliefs) at the drop of a hat, to suit the situation.
For example, most people hold a basic belief that God wants them to be honest.
They then cheat on their taxes—and say it's okay.
"Everybody does it. It's expected."
They've refused to change their basic belief, but they've changed their morals (that is, how they apply their belief) at the drop of a hat, to suit the situation.
Yet if they change their morals, they have changed their beliefs, for morals are simply beliefs expressed. Therefore, they are hypocrites. They do not have beliefs at all. They simply want to believe that they have beliefs.
This makes them feel good, but it also makes the world crazy.