【宇宙裡有「條件」存在?其真相為何?】:1/2 篇

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聽神談【宇宙裡有「條件」存在?其真相為何?】:1/2 篇
「條件性」是存在的(Conditionality exists,這是第八個幻覺。
為了讓「定罪」存在,必定要有某些「你們對於愛不瞭解」的地方 。
這意味著,你可能無法贏得神的垂愛。因為神的愛是「有條件」的。你必須符合「必備資格」,如果你無法滿足「必備資格」,你將被分離。這不 就是第三個幻覺教你的嗎?
你們的文化故事非常 有信服力 。在這份我和你們的溝通信息中,我一直是藉由西方的文化故事來談, 那是因為這個溝通信息是在西方文化裡進行 的。但東方的文化以及許多人類各種不同的文化與傳統,也通通都有它們的故事,而且大都建立在全部或部分的「十大幻覺」上。
我已清楚說過,幻覺不止十個。你們每天都在創造出上百個。你們的每個文化都已創造出它自己的幻覺,但它們不管怎樣全都建立在同樣的錯誤觀念上。這一點 可藉由「它們全都創造出同樣的結果」的事實而得以證實。
你們已從你們的想像中學到愛是有條件的,從你們概念化的想像中認為那至高無上的生命(Supreme Being)的愛是有條件的。或如果你不相信有一位至高無上的神,只相信「生命」本身,那麼你所理解的生命就是在「有條件」的情境脈絡內(within the context of Conditionality)表達它自己的一個過程。也就是說,一個條件依賴另一個條件。你們有些人會稱這為「因與果」(Cause and Effect)
如果你們想出一個因與果的宇宙,很好——但是誰生出了第一因?這是你們的教師們都結結巴巴說不清 的地方,這是你們的道途中止的地方,這是你們的理解到達邊緣的地方。
宇宙裡並沒有條件。「如是」就是「如是」,並沒有它所「不是」的條件。 (There is no Conditionality in the Universe. That Which Is is That Which Is, and there are no conditions under which It is not.)
This is The Eighth Illusion:
In order for Condemnation to exist, there must be something that you don't understand about love.
This was your conclusion, and you invented Conditionality as a characteristic of life in order  to resolve the dilemma that this presented.
Everything in life must be conditional. Wasn't this self-evident? some of the thinkers among you asked. Have you not understood The Second Illusion? The outcome of life is in doubt.
Failure exists.
That means you can fail to win God's love. God's love is conditional. You must meet the Requirement. If you do not meet the Requirement, you will be separated. Is this not what The Third Illusion taught you?
Your cultural stories have been very persuasive. I have spoken in this communication largely through the stories of Western culture, because that is the culture in which this communication began. But the cultures of the East, and all of the many cultures and traditions of humans in their wide variety, have their stories as well, and most are based on some or all of The Ten Illusions.
As I have made clear, there are more than ten illusions. You are creating hundreds every day. Each of your cultures has created its own, but in some way or another they are all based on the same basic misconceptions. This is evidenced by the fact that they have all created the same results.
Life on your planet is filled with experiences of greed, violence, killing, and, nearly everywhere, conditional love.
You have learned conditional love from your thought that the love of the Supreme Being, however you conceptualize that Being, is conditional. Or, if you do not believe in a Supreme Being, but rather, in Life Itself, then you have conceived of Life as a process expressing itself within the context of Conditionality. That is to say, one condition depends upon another.  Some of you would call this Cause and Effect.
Yet what of First Cause?
That is the question that none of you has been able to answer. Even your greatest scientists have not been able to unravel the mystery. Even your greatest philosophers have not been able to solve the problem.
Who created That Which Creates?
If you conceive of a cause-and-effect Universe, fair enough—but what caused the First Cause?
This is where your teachers stumble. This is where your path ends. This is where you reach the edge of understanding.
Now we shall fly off the edge.


宇宙裡並沒有條件。「如是」就是「如是」,並沒有它所「不是」的條件。... 更多
當你明白,為了讓你經驗生命的「無條件」性(亦即,為了讓你認識神)所以「條件、狀況」(conditions)必須好像是存在的,你會祝福存在你人生中的條件,以及你曾經驗過的每個狀況。... 更多
你們所謂的「相對性」(relativity) 是從「狀況、條件的幻覺」創造出來的。舉例來說,熱或冷,其實並非相反,卻完全是「在不同條件下的同一東西」(the very same... 更多
一旦你了解了永遠有更多的生命時,你將學會以一種對你有益的方式來利用「生命是不足的」的幻覺。這幻覺會在你的人生路上,以及當你踏上回家之路時... 更多