在每一時刻,以你曾對 自己所持有的下一個最偉大憧憬之最恢宏版本 的「你是誰」,重新創造你自己 。
在這件 事上,我 已加入了你做為 共同創造者(co-creator),
讓你去體驗你 正需要體驗的,去創造你 正需要 創造的。
Your society and your religions teach you of a guilt which requires you to be punished without hope of rehabilitation.
Yet I tell you this: the purpose of life is to recreate yourself anew in each moment, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.
In this, I have joined you as cocreator, seeing where you are going, seeing the path you have set for yourself, and giving you the tools to experience exactly what you needed to experience, to create exactly what you needed to create.