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為何你與神是合作夥伴關係(in partnership with God)?怎麼可能?為了什麼神需要與你合夥?
我已在宇宙裡建立了「使你們能夠精確地擁有你們所選擇來創造一切」的「律法」 (Laws),。這些「律法」無法被你們違反,也無法被忽略。你們都在遵循這些「律法」,即使現在當你現在讀這文字時。你們無法不遵循這「律法」,因為它們是事情運作的方式 (the way things work)。你們無法離開它; 你們無法在它之外運作。
你生命的每一分鐘都在它之內運作 ——而且你所經歷過的每件事你都是如此地創造出。
你與神是合作夥伴關係。(You are in partnership with God.)我們共享一份永恆的盟約。我對你的允諾是:永遠給你你所要求的(My promise to you is to always give you what you ask)。而你(靈魂在超意識層面)的允諾是:去要求;去瞭解這「要求和回應」的過程(Your promise is to ask; to understand the process of of the asking and the answering.) 。我已經跟你解釋過一次這個過程。我將再解釋一遍,讓你們能更清楚地瞭解它。
你們是有三部分的生命(You are a three-fold being. 也稱三面向的生命 three-aspect being。你們是由身體、心智和心靈組成的。你也可以稱這三部分為物質 (physical)、非物質 (non-physical) 以及超物質 (the meta–physical ,也稱形而上的)。這即是三位一體(Holy Trinity),而人類曾給它許多不同的名字。
你們是什麼,我就是什麼(That which you are, I am.)。我顯現為三位一體的形式。
你最宏偉的願望——也是我最大的欲望——就是:讓你體驗你自己為「你本是的我的一部分」My grandest desire---was for you to experience yourself as the part of Me you are. 關於神的欲望可參閱:www.igod.tw/node/2503 )。因此,你是在一個「藉著在每個片刻重新創造你自己而體驗你自己」的過程裡。就如我也是在透過你而這樣做一樣。
你看到了這個合夥關係了嗎?你領會這個含義了嗎?這是一個神聖的合作 ——真實地,是一種神聖的融洽關係。(It is a holy collaboration --- truly, a holy communion.)
摘自《與神對話 I  》第3章
I have established Laws in the universe that make it possible for you to have—to create—exactly what you choose. 
These Laws cannot be violated, nor can they be ignored. You are following these Laws right now, even as you read this. 
You cannot not follow the Law, for these are the ways things work. You cannot step aside from this; you cannot operate outside of it.
Every minute of your life you have been operating inside of it—and everything you have ever experienced you have thusly created.
You are in a partnership with God. We share an eternal covenant. My promise to you is to always give you what you ask. Your promise is to ask; to understand the process of the asking and the answering. I've already explained this process to you once. I'll do so again, so that you clearly understand it.
You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the metaphysical. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names.
That which you are, I am. I am manifested as Three-In-One.
My grandest desire—was for you to experience yourself as the part of Me you are. You are therefore in the process of experiencing yourself by creating yourself anew in every single moment. 
As am I. Through you.
Do you see the partnership? Do you grasp its implications? It is a holy collaboration—truly, a holy communion.


當你視幻覺為幻覺(see illusions as illusions)時,你將瞭解,你們沒有一個部分是優越於整體 (All Of It) 的,因為,你們的每一個部分即是那整體。然後你就不用再召喚勇氣,你會知道你即是勇氣。你不用再呼求神,... 更多
要真正認識神,你必須 跨出你頭腦的領域。順隨你的心(heart)到我這裡,而非透過你頭腦(mind)的途徑。在頭腦心智裡,你們永遠找不到我。(You will never find Me in your... 更多
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