聽神談【關於「新靈性」New Spirituality】
它們也阻礙了你們去體驗和平、喜悅與自由——這些都是神真正所是的其它名稱(which are other words for God as God really is)。
摘自《與神對話之新啟示》第7 & 13章
And so now you are faced with an important question. This is another stating of the question asked before, the question facing all of humankind in this moment.
Will you move forward into new and unchartered seas?
Or will you allow the tide of events to sweep you back to the rocky shoals upon which you have already crashed your hopes a thousand times?
Will you go back to the exact words and phrases and to-the-letter interpretations and literal applications of your old religions, as fundamentalists of every religion would have you do, or will you dare to explore, suggest, recommend, and create a new spirituality—one that does not reject everything about the old, but improves upon it, carrying humanity to grander heights?
A spirituality that enlarges upon organized religion in its present form.
For it is many of your old religions, with their inherent limitations, that stop you from experiencing God as God really is.
They also stop you from experiencing peace, joy, and freedom—which are other words for God as God really is.