新靈性(New Spirituality)並非完全拒斥舊物,而是將它擴展(expand)。它會去除顯然已經對你們毫無幫助的舊觀念,而帶來嶄新的、更深刻的、對你們有所幫助的了解。它會保留你們古代智慧的精華,因此,你們也會在這裡找到一些曾經聽聞過的觀念。然而,我們現在要更進一步、更深一層地去探究。
(You are the essence of that which breathed life into your body.)
這是關鍵所在。(This is the key.)
這是核心所在。(This is the core.)
Remember that I said that the New Spirituality will not be a complete rejection of the old, but rather, it will expand upon the old. It will eliminate from the old what clearly no longer serves you, and bring new and deeper understanding to that which does serve you. It will retain the best of your ancient wisdoms. And so, some of what you find here you will have heard before.
Yet, now we are going one step further. Now we are moving one level deeper.
Most religions have taught that you are "more than a body." The message here is that you are not your body at all.
You are the essence of that which breathed life into your body.
This is the key.
This is the core.
All of the other New Revelations gather meaning and increase in force when this revelation is understood.
This is the Base Truth. The Prime Number. The First Cause. Everything else has new meaning when this meaning becomes clear.
The building of your newer world starts here. The foundation of the New Spirituality rests here:
You are not your body. Who you are is limitless and without end.
Neale: May I ask again, what does this have to do with the world's present predicament?
Everything, because the fact that you think you are your body is what has caused and allowed the human race to do all that it has done to itself.