原來整個人生中,人類可以用來經驗與創造生活的意識層次,不僅是在「意識」和「潛意識」的層面,也在更高的意識層次!為了要了解什麼是那「更高的意識層次」,讓我們暫時放下爭議,姑且稱它們為「超意識」(superconscious)和「超覺意識」(supraconscious 或稱大我意識),因為,總要有個名稱才有辦法描述和了解它們。
※ 將人們的意識從「潛意識」拉向「超意識」,甚至進入「超覺意識」的過程,就叫「意識提升」。讓自己的意識從「潛意識」移向「超意識」,甚至進入「超覺意識」的過程,即是一種「意識擴展」。
※ 人生中所有的事件、所有的經驗,都是以「創造出讓你們得以提升意識的機會」為目的。意識是一切,並創造你們的經驗(Consciousness is everything, and creates your experience.)。
※ 意識的成長,是人類所有的進步成長當中,最珍貴最偉大的成長(the greatest growth of all)。
(The entire Conversation with God series of dialogues has been designed as a step-by-step process of freeing humans from their limited perceptions.)
這過程就叫做「意識提升」(consciousness raising)。
The entire Conversations with God series of dialogues has been designed as a step-by-step process of freeing humans from their limited perceptions.
That is, of pulling them from their subconscious to their supraconscious.
This process is known as consciousness raising.
It is the means by which human beings are moved to a larger awareness of Life, a grander experience of the Self, and a greater connectivity to the universal.