
誠實是你支持擁護什麼(stand for)。
你不再躺著接受(lying down),而是支持擁護某事情。
也許你注意到,除非你停止到處說謊(lying 註:英文的躺著和說謊是同一個字),
在《與神對話》第二冊裡,列出了「說真話的五個層次」(Five Levels of Truth Telling),並且解釋了這五種層次如何可能歸結為一種全然可見的生活(a life of total visibility),或一般所稱的透明。
Honesty is about saying, first to yourself, then to others, what it is of which you are aware.
Honesty is what you stand for. You are no longer taking things lying down, but standing for something.
You may have noticed that you cannot stand for something until you stop lying all around. This is why it said that when you are totally honest, you are truly upstanding.
In Conversations with God, book 2, the Five Levels of Truth Telling are listed, and it is explained how those five levels can result in a life of total visibility, or what is also called transparency. These two words stand in interesting juxtaposition to each other. To be totally visible is to be utterly transparent. That is, people can see right through you. There are no hidden agendas. The more visible you become, the more transparent you are.