在高度演化生命(highly evolved beings)之間的高度進化關係裡,每個人只不過在活出他們的真實——每個人也只是說出他們生活的真實面。沒有人必須接受任何事。如果某個人遭遇了某事,他只是去承認它。就算某人無法接受某事,他只是把它說出來。關於每件事的真相始終是和每個人分享的。是以一種歡慶(as a celebration),而非一種「獲得允許」(not an admission)的方式進行的。
真相應該是一種值得歡慶,而非要去容許或接納之事(Truth should be something to celebrate, not to admit.)。
在這樣的承諾裡,「不忠」沒有立足之地。然而告訴某人你愛另一個人並非不忠,卻是誠實。而誠實是最高形式的愛(Honesty is the highest form of love.)。

In highly evolved relationships between Highly Evolved Beings, everyone simply lives their truth—and everyone speaks the truth they are living. If something is happening with someone, that is simply acknowledged. If something is unacceptable to someone, that is simply spoken. The truth is shared with everyone about everything all the time. This is done as a celebration, not an admission.
The truth should be something to celebrate, not to admit.
Yet you cannot celebrate a truth of which you have been told to be ashamed. And you have been told to be ashamed of nothing more than you have been told to be ashamed of who and how and when and why you love.
You have been told to be ashamed of your desires and your passions and your love of everything from dancing to whipped cream to other people.
Most of all, you have been told to be ashamed of your love for your very Self. Yet how can you ever love another if you are not allowed to love the one who is supposed to be doing the loving?
How can you love Me if you cannot be allowed to love the essence of Who You Are? And how can you see and declare My glory if you cannot see and declare your own?
You begin on the road to your own glory when you begin on the road to your own truth. This path is taken when you declare that, henceforth, you will tell the truth all the time, about everything, to everyone. And that you will live your truth.
In this commitment, infidelity has no place. Yet telling someone that you love another is not infidelity. It is honesty. And honesty is the highest form of love.