
瀏覽人數 3967
「真相」並不會以一種「觀的實相」存在 (The truth does not exist as an objective reality. )視角創造感知(perception),感知造就體驗。「你的感知造就的體驗」即你所謂的「真相(The experience that perception creates for you is what you call "truth".)。你實際體驗到的就是「你的真相」。其他的一切都是別人的體驗,以及別人告訴你的東西。那些與你無關
當你只依何者於你為真(what is true for you)而行,你會加速你(演化)前進的步伐。當你以你「當下的真相」為基礎在創造(create),而不是以一個「過去的真相」為基礎在反應(react),你就產生一種“新的你”的體驗。
為什麼創造你所選擇的真相要花那麼長的時間?原因在於:因為你並沒有活出你的真相(because you have not been living your truth)
了解真相,真相會讓你自由。(Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.)
這就是「回到你的意識感官」(getting back to your senses)的含意。回到你的感覺,而不是如何思考。你的思考只不過是一些想法。是心智的構築。是你的心智“捏造的”創造物。但是你當下的感覺——卻是真實的(Your thoughts are just that---thoughts. Mental constructions. “ Made up” creations of your mind. But your feelings---now they are real.)
(當下的)感覺是靈魂的語言。而你的靈魂即你的真相(Your soul is your truth.  此篇傳達的重點是:「你當下的感覺」即「你的真相」,它永遠是真實的
感覺既非負面,也不具破壞性。它們只是真相。如何表達你的真相」,才是問題所在。(Feelings are neither negative nor destructive. They are simply truths. How you express your truth is what matters.)
摘自《與神對話 2 》第2章
When you act only out of what is true for you, you speed your way down the path. When you create an experience based on your "now truth" rather than react to an experience based on a "past truth," you produce a "new you."
Why does it take so much time to create the reality you choose? This is why: because you have not been living your truth.
Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Yet once you come to know your truth, don't keep changing your mind about it. This is your mind trying to figure out what's "best." Stop it! Get out of your mind. Get back to your senses!
That is what is meant by "getting back to your senses." It is a returning to how you feel, not how you think.
Your thoughts are just that—thoughts. Mental constructions. "Made up" creations of your mind.
But your feelings—now they are real. Feelings are the language of the soul. And your soul is your truth.
There. Now does that tie it all together for you?
Feelings are neither negative nor destructive. They are simply truths. How you express your truth is what matters.


以選擇在過的生活,是一種「有意識之行動(action)」的生活。以機會或巧合在過的生活,是一種「無意識之反應(reaction)」的生活。(A life lived by choice is a... 更多
6.「真理、真相 Truth」
別說真理是只在「這裡」或只在「那裡」,真理「既不在這裡也不在那裡」,而是無所不在。它在《聖經》裡、在《古蘭經》裡、在《奧義書》、在《薄伽梵歌》。它是在《聖經》裡稱為<摩西五書>、<詩篇>及<新約>的部分。它是在《摩門經》及《隱言經》裡... 更多
6.「真理、真相 Truth」
如果我把所有真理全都放在這對話上,你們會將這本書當成你們的《聖經》(turn this book to your bible)。 尼爾:我不會那樣。 嗯,相信我,有些人會將它變成他們的《聖經》。 尼爾:是的,我了解。 所以,... 更多
尼爾:向外探究,去看別人在體驗什麼,以及他們對他們的經驗想說什麼,不是一種「正統的」過程或做法嗎?當然是的。只要向外探究(outward reaching)不要轉變成向外放置(outward placing)的話。尼爾:請解釋一下。當你尋找... 更多