
瀏覽人數 2660
你們創造了「分離的幻覺」,為的是要體驗「一體的實相 」。只有當你跨出實相時,你才能經驗它。當你是整體的一部分時,你是無法體驗自己為那整體的,因為並沒有別的東西。而當「你不是」的東西不在時,「你所是」的東西也並不是。
同樣的,當分離不在時,也就沒有 合而為 一了。
如果每樣東西都被體驗為 合為一體 的,那麼,就沒有一樣東西能被體驗為 合 一的了:因為「 合為一體 」並沒有存在為一個離散的個別經驗。它並非某個可被認識的東西。它也許是一個存在的觀念,但 不是一個你能直接體驗的觀念。它只能是個想法,永遠不是你體驗到的實相
在這樣的情境脈絡裡,你無法以「你真正是誰」(Who You Really Are) 來認識你自己
然而,我們的願望是 要以「我們 真正是誰」 來認識我們自己 。故此,我們首先必須創造 出「我們 真正是誰」的體驗。而既然我們無法在終極實相裡創造這經驗,我們就必須經由幻覺去做 這體驗 。
以這方式,我們得以欣喜它真正是如何。以這方式,我們能體驗 「我們 真正是誰 」。
我們是那個集合體 、是多重形式的單一一體實相——我們採取了多重形式,以便可以注意到並體驗到我們的單一一體實相之榮耀。 (We are The Collective, The Single Reality In Multiple Form---having taken Multiple Form that we might notice and experience the glory of our Single Reality.)
這即「相對性的目的」(purpose of relativity)的一個簡單解釋,在我們一直持續以來的對話中,我已說過許多次。在這裡重複,是為了讓你們可以透徹的瞭解它,因而你能從自己的夢中蘇醒。
You have created the Illusion of Disunity in order to experience the reality of Oneness. Only when you are outside the reality can you experience it. When you are part of The Whole, you cannot experience yourself as The Whole, because there is nothing else. And, in the  absence of that which you are not, that which you are, is not.
In the absence of cold, hot is not. In the absence of tall, short is not. If everything is short, then nothing is short, because "short" does not exist as something that can be known. It may exist as a concept, but it is not a concept that you can directly experience. It can only be an idea, never your experienced reality.
Similarly, in the absence of Disunity, unity is not.
If everything is experienced as unified, then nothing can be experienced as unified, because "unity" does not exist as a discrete experience. It is not something that can be known. It may exist as a concept, but it is not a concept that you can directly experience. It can only be an idea, never your experienced reality.
In this context, you cannot know yourself as Who You Really Are.
Yet it is our wish to know ourselves as Who We Really Are. Thus, we must first create the experience of Who We Really Are.
Are Not. Since we cannot create this experience in Ultimate Reality, we must do so through illusion.
In this way, we can rejoice in what is really so, and know it. In this way, we can experience Who We Really Are.
The All Of It.
The One And Only.
We are The Collective, The Single Reality In Multiple Form—having taken Multiple Form that we might notice and experience the glory of our Single Reality.
This is a simple explanation of the purpose of relativity, which I have given you many times in our ongoing dialogue. It is repeated here so that you may understand it thoroughly, so that you may awaken from your dream.


在創造的當下,你就在實現你的人生。因為創造是「你們如何成長與演化」的方式,而這正是,你與一切萬物在地球上要做的事。... 更多
跨離開幻覺,並且視它們為它們真正所是的樣子,就是離開人生的「殘酷現實」的舉動。每個幻覺都可以和任何另一個 幻覺組合在一起,例如分離和需要、定罪和優越、無知和優越、... 更多
你們所謂的「相對性」(relativity) 是從「狀況、條件的幻覺」創造出來的。舉例來說,熱或冷,其實並非相反,卻完全是「在不同條件下的同一東西」(the very same... 更多
幻覺之所以存在的原因,是為了提供你們一個當地(局部化)的情境脈絡場(to provide a localized context field)讓你在其中可以以一種你對「你是誰」... 更多