每個幻覺都可以和任何另一個 幻覺組合在一起,例如分離和需要、定罪和優越、無知和優越、不足和定罪與失敗等等。不論是單獨或是和其他的幻覺 組合,幻覺的存在都是為了:提供一個壯麗對比的脈絡場,以讓你去體驗「你真正是誰」(the illusion exist as magnificent contrasting contextual fields, allowing you to experience Who You Really Are.)。
已經跟你們說過許多遍了,在相對世界裡,你無法在「你不是」的東西的空間裡體驗「你是 」誰。幻覺的目的正是要提供這樣的一個空間、一個脈絡,以讓你在其中體驗你自己的每個面向,和一個讓你在任何時刻可以去選擇「你能懷有的最高面向 」(the Highest Aspect of which you can conceive)的機會。
The movement away from the "harsh realities" of life is to step away from the Illusions, and to see them for what they really are.
Any of the Illusions may be combined with any other— Disunity with Need, Condemnation with Superiority, Ignorance with Superiority, Insufficiency and Condemnation with Failure, and so on. Standing alone or combined with others, the Illusions exist as magnificent contrasting contextual fields, allowing you to experience Who You Really Are.
It has been said to you many times that, in the relative world, you cannot experience Who You Are except in the space of that which you are not. The purpose of the Illusions is to provide precisely that—a space, a context, within which to experience every aspect of yourself, and an opportunity to choose the Highest Aspect of which you can then conceive, in any given moment.