
瀏覽人數 200
人類已將這文化故事轉化為一種神話,將它具體化為:爾旨承行。(Thy Will be done. 註:意思是神的意志必將被達成。)
Need does not exist. It is a fiction. In reality, you need nothing to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind.
This is not something that early humans were capable of grasping. And because they felt that they needed certain things in order to be happy, they assumed that the same must be true of all Life. Included in that assumption was that part of Life which they came to understand as a Greater Power— a power that succeeding generations have conceptualized as a living being referred to by a wide variety of names, among them Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, and God.
It was not difficult for early humans to conceive of a power greater than themselves. Indeed,  it was necessary. An explanation was needed for things that happened that were totally out  of their control.
The mistake here was not in assuming that there was such a thing as God (the combined power and the combined energy of All That Is), but in assuming that this Total Power and Complete Energy could need anything at all; that God was, in some way, dependent on something or someone else to be happy or satisfied, complete or fulfilled.
This was like saying that The Fullness was not full, that it needed something to make it full. It was a contradiction in terms—but they could not see this. Many still do not see it today.
From this creation of a dependent God, people produced a cultural story in which God has an agenda. In other words, there are things God wants and needs to occur, and ways in which they must occur, in order for God to be happy.
Humans have reduced this cultural story to a myth that has crystallized as: Thy Will be done. Your idea that I had a Will forced you to then try to figure out what My Will was.


人類彼此間會產生衝突是因為,縱使人們在細胞層面(at the cellular level)努力尋求體驗「一體」,但人們在心理層面(at the mental... 更多
你們認為,用「神對待你們的方式」來「對待彼此」是合理的。你們也認為,製造出危機、暴力、殺戮和戰爭,是為了達到神的要求。你們以為那是在幫助神滿足祂的需要。... 更多
需求是不存在的。它是一種虛構的想像。事實上,你們並不需要任何東西才能快樂。快樂是一種心智(mind)的狀態。但這不是早期的人類能夠理解的。由於他們覺得「... 更多