在高度演化社會(highly evolved society)的生活模式是這樣的:
人們分散群居,或像你們所謂的「故意建立的小型社區」(small intentional communities)。但這些社區不會再擴大為城市、州省或國家,而是在平等的基礎上互相交往。
高度演化社會並沒有如你們所認為的「政府」和「法律」。他們有議會,或協調會。通常是由長者組成的。還有一種,用你們的語言最好的說法是「共同協議」("mutual agreements")。這些協議已被歸結為「三大規範」(Triangular code):
‧ 覺知(Awareness)
‧ 誠實(Honesty)
‧ 承擔負責(Responsibility,覺知後願意誠實面對,並勇於承擔的責任感)
‧ 誠實(Honesty)
‧ 承擔負責(Responsibility,覺知後願意誠實面對,並勇於承擔的責任感)
高度演化生命早就已經決定這是他們共同生活的章法。他們之所以選用這樣的章法,並非基於道德考量,或來自其他的個體或群體給他們的靈性啟示,而只是基於他們長年對「真相是什麼」和「什麼行得通」(what is so, and what works)的觀察結果。
摘自《與神對話 III 》第20章
To summarize, then, the model for life in a highly evolved society:
Beings live in clusters, or what you would call small intentional communities. These clusters are not further organized into cities, states, or nations, but each interacts with the others on a co-equal basis.
There are no governments as you would understand them, and no laws. There are councils, or conclaves. Usually of elders. And there are what could best be translated into your language as "mutual agreements." These have been reduced to a Triangular Code:
Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility.
Highly evolved beings have decided long ago that this is how they choose to live together. They've made this choice based not on a moral structure or spiritual revelation that some other being or group has brought forth, but, rather, on a simple observation of what is so, and what works.