
1. 在自我表達的過程中,生命名副其實的「向外推出」了它自己。
(In the process of Self expression, Life quite literally 「expressed」 itself.)
(Life pushes Itself out from Itself.)
3. 在某種意義上,它誕生了自己,作為自己的一個面向。
(It give birth TO Itself as an aspect OF Itself.)
4. 它這麼做是為了在自己的體驗中認識自己。
(It does this so that it might Know Itself in Its Own Experience.)
這就是生命再次出生(be born again, 重生)的真正含義。

It is the nature of Life to express itself. That is what Life does. It cannot not do this, or it would not be.
Now change the word "life" in the above sentence. Notice that "life" can also be called "God," That Which Is, "the Essence," "the Energy," or whatever else you wish to call it. No matter what word you use, you are still talking about Life.
In the process of self expression, Life quite literally "expresses" Itself. That is, It pushes Itself out FROM Itself, giving birth to Itself as an aspect OF Itself, that it might Know Itself in Its Own Experience.
Consider it thought by thought, concept by concept:
1. In the process of Self expression, Life quite literally "expresses" Itself.
2. To "express" means to "push out." Life pushes Itself out from Itself.
3. In a sense, it gives birth TO Itself as an aspect OF Itself.
4. It does this so that it might Know Itself in Its Own Experience.
That is what it really means to be born again.